Universal GetItGreen - The Casual ReactionTime Game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by SirTamagotschi, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. SirTamagotschi

    SirTamagotschi New Member

    Jan 23, 2017
    Hey Guys,

    It's Daniel from Cologne, Germany.
    I developed my second iOS-Game "GetItGreen". It is a Casual-Game with a simple technic. I decided to share my work with you guys and i could imagine, that some of you would like "GetItGreen"

    The Target of "GetItGreen" is to click the active Buttons and get Points. The Difficult increases by every Point you make, so maybe you have to train a little bit to get higher scores.

    As you can see below there is a 3x3 field with 9 Buttons.
    By chance the Game will pick one of the Buttons and switch it to Active(yellow).

    Now you have to tap on the yellow Button to get it Green and get a Point. If you tap on the false Button you will lose a Life and the Button gets inactive(Red).

    When you lost 5 Lifes the Game is over and you have to restart.

    We implemented the GameCenter so you can challenge your Friends and show them that you are the Best.
    The momentary Higscore lies by 100.

    Feel free to reply and maybe you will download "GetItGreen".

    Best Regards
    Daniel Engels

    Attached Files:

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