Universal Ghost Hunterz the next big IOS game.....

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by timbojill, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. timbojill

    timbojill Member

    Aug 31, 2015
    Network and Website Administrator, IOS Developer
    Saint Thomas, United States Virgin Islands
    My name is Romeo Roger Richardson. I have been creating mobile apps for the last 5 years. I have created several mobile apps for myself and other groups and small businesses. Becuase of this, I have 5 years of experience creating IOS and Android games. For the last three years, I had several mobile games for IOS and Android In development.

    Back in September of 2017, my family home was devastated by Category 5 hurricanes Irma and Maria. During hurricane Irma my MacBook was completed destroyed. During Hurricane Maria, all my backups were lost. I was doing all the work myself. The coding, graphics, marketing, etc for all these games. At this point, the only other backup I have of my work are emails I sent to myself. It will be very difficult to start over from scratch. That is why I created the following Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/RomeoRogerRichardson.

    I am hoping to get funding so I can start to rebuild all the projects I had in development. I promise to update everyone on my progress. I just need some seed money to get started. I have been doing everything myself for the last 5 years. The programming, marketing, design, website, etc. It is just too much. I need help so I purchase a MacBook and to can hire a team of people to help make my dreams a reality.

    I have several games in development. One is called "Over the Rainbow". The others are called, "Ghost Hunterz", Wild, Wild, Wild, West", "and "JA". These are all working titles. When I first started developing mobile applications I didn't realize how much money was involved. To develop a mobile application on IOS for example cost between 99-299 a year depending on which program you are inrolled it. Then there is a cost for a Macbook. Then you have to teach yourself how to code. Then you have to buy assets. Then you have to advertise. I know social media is free but a website costs money annual and has to be maintained.

    I wanted to talk about Ghost Hunterz. I was 2 years in building this fictional world. Where you are the main hero. I was using Unity 3d and had a working model of the world before all my stuff got destroyed. As stated before the only backups I have are project files I emailed to myself. Obviously, I can not open these Unity and Xcode without a working MacBook. Before the storm, I had a working city made in unity. I hard a character model set and was working on the game mechanics. I had a default ghost model and zombies models that spawn randomly. As stated before I working on all this myself.

    Ghost Hunterz


    The next big IOS Game. Your character wakes up after almost dying in the fictional city of New Los Angeles. The main character's name is Xavier Matthews (Option to change the name is given to the user). He is in the middle of the city when he discovers that the city has been overrun by Zombies and ghosts. We all know what zombies are. What makes ghosts unique in this game is they are able to attack zombies and human survives alike. The zombies and human survivors are unable to see ghosts but feel their attacks. Our hero can see these ghosts and somehow has the ability to hit these ghosts. His main goal is to make it out of the city while avoiding being killed by swarms of zombies and ghosts that randomly spawn throughout the city. He also has to defend NPC's from being killed by these zombies and ghosts.


    In this world, all ghosts can touch every living person and zombies. Good ghosts simply touch love ones to let them know they are alive. Bad Ghosts use this to do bodily harm to those they hate. Your job as a good ghost is to stop ghosts that you see doing bodily harm to people.


    As a ghost, you are free to roam the city. You cannot enter builds. All the buildings are randomly generated. All streets are equal length. The game will automatically assign a street and avenue to every street corner. Given the user the appearance that they are going somewhere. The city is full of people waking the street. As a ghost, you simply walk straight through any live person and objects except buildings.

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