Universal Gnomium: Upcoming Action Puzzler [feat. artwork by Tiny Thief™ Artist Roland Vinh]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Retrodigio, May 14, 2015.

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  1. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    #21 Retrodigio, May 26, 2015
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
    Productive Weekend

    Here is a dev update on quite the productive weekend.

    Gnomium is being developed in Unity, so it is primarily tested on Mac and PC during development because well, that's easy to do. The load times on iOS have always been a pain point, but pushed to the back-burner for too long as something to worry about later. Months ago, the first several builds I pushed to iOS were a single scene with just the grid for game play and touch based testing. I was surprised that took it took 20s to load on my iPhone 6+ and nearly double that on an iPad 4 when it loaded almost instantly on my PC. Since then the game has been split into multiple scenes and last weeks test on iOS surprised me. The initial title scene loaded almost instantly, and it's not just a few simple images and buttons, but many large overlapping textures that are used to create a parallax effect when the camera follows an animated gnome. I was pleased. However, when tapping the play button it took over 1 minute to load the game scene. Obviously unacceptable performance.

    Digging in I used the unity profiler to identify which tasks were taking so much time. Here are the changes that I made that allowed me to cut load times from 60s to 0.2s (over 100x faster)!

    - Created scene prefabs instead of scenes by taking all of the contents of a given scene and parenting them to an empty game object and prefabing the object.
    - Save each scene prefab into the resources folder so that it can be loaded asnyc as necessary.
    - Created a single scene containing an object with a script responsible for async loading scenes, removing current scene objects and instantiating new ones.
    - Wrote a script to reformat dictionary files containing 80K+ words into flat lists so that parsing logic could be simplified at load time. Also it turns out that using a StringReader with the ReadLine() method is about twice as fast as doing a string.split() on a large text file.
    - Spawned a background thread to parse dictionary files instead of the main thread.
    - Marked all sounds as 'load async'
    - Sprite-packing textures into 4K textures from 2K textures may have made an improvement but I'll need to test that.

    All in all, the game and it's levels just load almost instantly now on iOS which is a huge yay! I've also added some great animation to ore collection and some slow-mo effects to some of the juicier explosion. Added a lot of new code for player and game statistics so that you can track your progress and compare your skills to others. Dynamic game difficulty adjustment based on skill. I'm also working on a surprise that you'll all find out more about later.

    Last weeks demo at the Utah Indie Games Night was a great success with many people watching and playing the latest build on PC and iOS. Chatted with the famed Jeff Peters (Syfygames article) for an hour about the mobile game market. Great guy! Much to do this week. I'll continue to post progress here.

  2. firstordergames

    firstordergames Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    Game Devloper
    Los Angeles
    Nice one & props for sharing. Feels so good to optimize. I do similar. Prefabs are the way to go. All my unity projects are a single empty scene. Everything is dynamically instantiated, only when needed.

    Great idea on reformatting the dictionary file. :)

    Best wishes, Gnomium looks awesome!
  3. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    firstordergames, Thanks! Yes, I'm finding that using a variety scenes may only make sense for very large projects, or when taking certain designs into consideration. I was really floored with the difference in loading performance, even when loading scenes async, there is the problem of having 'unload' the current scene.

    Anyways, it can make for a good discussion. Swipey Rogue is looking fantastic by the way, enjoying the videos, keep 'em coming.
  4. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Random side effects.

    Some game play footage I captured the other night on my phone when playing around in what I call the "Gnomium Sandbox" where I test new and existing features. This inadvertent zero-gravity ore made for a kind of zen-like experience while playing.

  5. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Updated Links

    Here are a list of updated links to resources containing news about Gnomium. The initial post has been updated also to contain these links. Progress.. progress.

    Official Facebook page: http://facebook.com/Gnomium

    Twitter Accounts:

    YouTube Channel:

    TouchArcade Article:

    PocketGamer Article:
  6. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #26 macplash, May 29, 2015
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
    Official Facebook page LIKED
    Twitter Accounts FOLLOWING
    YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBED
    TouchArcade Article READ
    PocketGamer Article ignored

    Yeah, I'm so looking forward to this game! Can't wait to put my hands on Beta.. Bring it!:D
  7. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Thanks macplash, you rock! Really digging the avatar too.

    Dev update:

    - Added new title scene and transition animations between game pages to make for a quick and smooth gaming experience.
    - Added the core code for in-game tweaks and boosts. These are means to sink your hard-earned gold into some permanent and temporary improvements to in-game probabilities for goodness.
    - Made the gem-find probability curve exponential rather than a linear sequence. This means that you have a probability of finding higher level gems when matching gold coins or other gems.
    - Improved mushroom logic.
    - Warmed up some cream of mushroom soup.

    Have a great weekend.
  8. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    IndieCade 2015

    Gnomium has been submitted to IndieCade 2015! http://indiecade.com/

    I was able to submit an entry within the final hour before registration closed. There is a high probability that Gnomium will be released on iOS before we even hear the jury results from the IndieCade committee. It will be great to attend IndieXchange in October.

    BTW, for other interested Indies, here is a list of other relevant gaming events, conventions etc.. in 2015:

    IndieCade East 2015
    Different Games Arcade 2015
    Come Out & Play 2015
    ALT.CTRL.GDC 2015
    Vector 2015
    PAX 2015
    PAX East 2015
    GothCon 2015
    Intercon 2015
    Gary Con 2015
    GameCity 2014
    South by Southwest 2015
    Gen Con 2015
    Athens Plaython 2015
    w00t 2015
    Screenshake 2015
    Games for Change 2015
    DiGRA 2015
    Meaningful Play 2015
    Serious Games Showcase
    Wild Rumpus GDC 2015
    Mild Rumpus GDC 2015
    Global Game Jam 2015
    Freeplay 2015 (Melbourne)
    Play in the Dark @ Shine 2015
    The State of Play 2015
    w00t: Play & Games Festival 2015
    Lyst Summit 2015
    Northern Lights 2015
    Tribeca Film Festival 2015 Games Showcase
    A MAZE 2015
    ETC/CMU Student Showcase 2015
    IGF 2015
    GDC 2015
    PlayPublik 2015
    NYU Student Showcase 2015
    USC MFA Show 2015
    UCLA DMA MFA Show 2015
    UCLA DMA Undergraduate Show 2015
    Northeastern University Student Showcase 2015
    FDG 2015

  9. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    Thanks for the constant updates. Looking forward to playing!
  10. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
  11. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Dev Update

    Another productive weekend, here is a rundown:

    1) Added animations for end-game dialog. The gnome jumps out of the cart, points are converted to gold coins that fill the mine cart (often to overflowing if you've done well). The cart dumps the coins which are then added to the player's overall gold collection.

    2) Game stats are displayed in the end-game dialog. Stats like score, time, amounts of ores, coins and gems collected, most valuable word-group, highest score and average score. Will probably add ranking, achievements or others. Actually, I'm storing a ton of game stats, it really just depends on what to show without there begin to much clutter. Sharing buttons need to be added to this dialog.

    3) (For Gnomium PE, which I'll discuss in future posts) Added the Tweaks screen. Think of something that looks and functions close to the character selection screen in Crossy Road. A horizontally scrolling list of in-game Tweaks you upgrade or boosts you buy for certain game stats like chances to get 2x, 3x or 4x multiplier tiles, explosive tiles, different colored mushrooms, buckets, chisels, pickaxes and many others. You can spend in-game gold on permanently increasing probabilities or value by "Leveling Up" the stat, or buy a temporary boost to 2x-max-level-value for any stat for the next game.

    4) Gems are now categorized and rewarded in tiers rather than linearly. Prior to this players could obtain gems in a linearly progressive order by matching 3s in the following order copper coin->silver coin->gold coin->garnet->peridot->amethyst->topaz->pearl->aquamarine->opal->tanzanite->sapphire->ruby->emerald->diamond. Gems are now divided into 3 tiers of 4 gems each. Matching 3 gold will give you a random tier 1 gem. Matching any 3 of the same gem will give you a random gem from the next tier level. This introduces variety, anticipation and luck and also eliminates the near impossibility of reaching higher level gems.

    5) Some very cool ore-collecting animations that you'll just have to wait and see.

    6) Transitions and logic between Title, Game, End-game, Tweaks and Store screens.

    5) Spent a considerable amount of time tracking down a random bug in the tweening library I'm using, still need to slay it.

    This week:

    - Serialization (save game/character)
    - Finish tweaks dialog and core code.
    - Integrate with Ads, Analytics, Leaderboards and other app store APIs.
    - More sfx.
    - More gnomish animations.
    - Balance gameplay.
    - Slay bugs.

  12. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015

    I've been working on the inventory scrolling system over the past few nights. It's nice to have something that just looks and feels snappy. What do you think?
  13. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Looks great, just like the whole game so far!
  14. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Thanks vectorarchitekt! Celebrated this morning also because at long last I tracked down a random bug that has been plaguing me for months! Amazing how happy bug-fixing can make you.
  15. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    A Few New Themes and a Dev Update


    Been receiving some more artwork and color schemes lately from Roland. He does an awesome job. These are a few new themes that will be available in the Pocket Edition of Gnomium that will be available for beta testing soon. I'll announce more about this 'special version' later, but it's a precursor to the official Gnomium release.

    Really been balancing game play lately with what are called 'stat tweaks' in Gnomium PE. The loop is simple. Play the game to earn gold, spend gold on upgrading (tweaking) stats and improving your chances for in game awesomeness and earn more gold. See how far you can get in the game by how many chests you an unlock in one session. Working on a tutorial, animations, SFX and improved performance on mobile. App icons to come soon!
  16. locomoco

    locomoco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    #36 locomoco, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
    Oooooh, so purdy!

    I want this game already!
  17. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    This looks great!
  18. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I want to jump on that beta version so fast.
  19. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Infinite Sky Parallax

    Worked on this script last night for generating the illusion of an infinitely scrolling sky with parallax for use in Gnomium PE. This is seriously fun to play with. If anyone wants to know how this is done in Unity, message me or I can post details here.
  20. Retrodigio

    Retrodigio Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015

    It's been too long between updates, but I'll be announcing something special soon!

    Dev Progress:

    Mostly focusing on game balance. There is a lot going on in Gnomium, despite the somewhat simple look to the grid, there are forces underneath that must be tamed, a thousand dials and switches that must be fine-tuned to produce that game experience that is just right.

    One of the most intriguing aspects of game play is the balance of decision and consequence. The default game mode implements a dynamic timer that resets every time the player breaks a word-group or combines a set of coins or gems. This 15 seconds timer adds back-pressure to think and act quickly.

    Gnomium has two core letter tile types: basic and stone. Basic tiles (the blue ones) easily slide and can be moved around the grid with ease, they wrap at the edges and can be tapped and swapped with any other basic tile. These tiles combine into your basic word-groups (blue) which can also become copper, silver or gold if the combination of letters is valuable enough. These types of word-groups can destroyed with a simple tap. Stone tiles are less flexible in that they can be moved, but do not wrap on the edges and thus behave more like items. When one or more stone tiles become part of a word-group the word-group itself become stone and cannot be destroyed by tapping until it reaches a copper, silver or gold level.

    Given these two tile types, the fewer stone letter tiles in the grid, the better. Here is where decision and consequence come into play. Basic word-groups (the blue ones that don't yield any coins or ore) can be destroyed by the user at any time, however, doing so will slightly increase the probability of stone tiles coming into the grid. These increases can be reversed by breaking copper, silver and gold word-groups, but at a much smaller rate.

    Why not just avoid breaking the blue basic word-groups altogether? Sure, that is the safest strategy, but also the least effective in reaching your goal with a great time. Each Gnomium game is about reaching a specific goal with the shortest time possible. The leader board rankings are 'fasted-first', but short times also ensure high rewards. Since your goal will most likely involve getting gems of one type or another, and since gems are created by combining gold coins, and since gold coins come from silver which come from copper, and since copper and silver coins have a limited lifetime in the grid, it behooveth the player to combine them as quickly as possible :) This often involves the decision to break basic word-groups in order to combine coins quickly.

    So this takes balance and a skill. Gnomium is very much a skill based game with heavy doses of luck here and there, but this balance of mechanics keeps the player on his toes and provides for a wide variety of play styles.

    More to come.. exciting stuff ahead. Please feel free to ask questions.

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