Good vs Evil OR Archon Classic

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by kcbc, May 25, 2009.

  1. kcbc

    kcbc Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Anyone out there been playing Good vs Evil?? Curious how the game plays. The screen shots seem to have very poor graphics. But the notes for the latest update says that is being addressed. How is game play?

    Been mulling this over for awhile now. Trying to decide whether to try this one or hold off till Archon Classic gets released sometime soon. Any thoughts?

    Never played the original archon but definitely a fan of the genre. Wish someone would remake Dark Legions (SSI made This as well as Archon) or make a game similar. With non chessboard style battle ground and more involved army selection and items.
  2. Albo

    Albo Member

    May 8, 2009
    I bought Good and Evil and couldn't stand playing it, the graphics were just terrible and I didn't really enjoy the gameplay (although I never played Archon, so I guess it didn't have that nostalgia factor for me). The strategy part drew me in, but the actual battles themselves just played out terrible.

    Maybe I was doing something wrong, please correct me if I was, but it was one of the few games that I purchased and deleted almost right away (if anyone tells me I was doing something wrong or something maybe I will redownload and try again).
  3. kcbc

    kcbc Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Naw, the screenshots look pretty bleh too. It really is a fun genre but I will hold out till Archon Classic comes along. Sounds like they will get it right.

    Found a playable version of dark legion via dosbox so i will get my fix that way for now!
  4. Oliver

    Oliver Well-Known Member

    I also lost interest immediately after seeing these ugly graphics. I'll wait for Archon.
  5. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I was able to overlook the so-so graphics, but here were the two things that I didn't really care for:

    1. I never quite got the hang of how you could move. Valid moves are highlighted, but half the time it seemed like I couldn't attack a creature that I should have been able to.

    2. I didn't enjoy the battle sequences all that much. I found the controls not really adequate to the task at hand, which meant winning or losing felt like pure luck.

    Now I will admit that I have only played the game for a few minutes, but with all the games I have to play, first impressions can be quite strong. Assuming Archon Classic really lives up to it's name, I would definitely hold off for that. Archon was such an awesome game.
  6. baroqen

    baroqen Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    It's unfortunate that people compared this so much to Archon, because I bought it solely due to this fact. After playing it for 15 minutes however, it was pretty disappointing, and nothing like the Archon I knew and loved. It's not entirely horrible, but this is definitely only a pale shadow of Archon.
  7. deckard

    deckard Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2009
    Tampa, FL
    Props to you for even mentioning Dark Legions; most people have never heard of it, kinda went unknown in the SSI library, a real underdog. Shame as it's a fantastic game. Anywho, the problem with Archon-type games on the iPhone IMO is the battles were very fast-paced and you could often pwn superior opponents just by being the more nimble joysticker (I used to savor taking the heavy hitters down with surgical strikes from the lowly knight and golem). Not sure how those battles could retain that feeling with touch controls/d-pad. I guess I'd hope not for a straight-up clone but a version that accounts specifically for the iPhone strengths/weaknesses.
  8. kcbc

    kcbc Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Wow someone else has played dark legions! I actually downloaded it with dosbox. What a deep game. Hopefully the chaps doing archon classic do a super job, get rich then do a lavish remake of dark legions. A person can dream anyhow. It got good reviews but released up against the original Warcraft.

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