graphics and marketing

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by dreamjoe, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. dreamjoe

    dreamjoe New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    You've built an awesome game with programmer art and now you want to polish it up and get it out there...

    Our artists can help with anything you need - from just a logo and banner art for the app store, to all your in-game graphics - to get your game looking professional.

    Now, how are you going to stand out from the other 80k games on the market? I can help with your press releases, monetization options, telemetry analysis, ad optimization, and paid options. You choose what you want help with and we'll work something out that is best for both of us.

    You can email me at joe <at> nomudagames dot com.

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