Help Wanted - Game Level Designer [PAID]

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by liquidlogic, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. liquidlogic

    liquidlogic New Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    #1 liquidlogic, Mar 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2011
    Creative & Clever game level designer needed. We provide the game, examples & the tools. You provide cool levels for the game.

    You will create themed and quirky levels which represent the objects & obstacles in the game. These can take on properties such as floating, fixed, transparent, moving, stationary, falling, ect.

    You will have the ability to modify colors of the shapes that define the level, you will need to come up with a relevant background image (Don't worry I will supply this). Also you will have the ability to change coefficients like gravity so your objects can behave differently.

    A theme may include an underwater theme, outer space theme, or anything your heart and mind desires. But in the end we only want the best you can produce.

    This game is similar to and the levels will look like this but better Smiley

    Once you get a few levels down it should be easy pumping them out if you are the right candidate. The pay is on a per-level basis. Obviously if you are good then you can build dozens of levels in a short time.

    If you are the kind of person that is clever, a gamer, and is a technical tinkerer and want to get your feet wet in level design then drop me a line so we can discuss the details.

    Skills Required:
    Hard Working, Artist at heart, Basic physics, Humor, Gamer, Windows/Computer wiz, Creative Design, quick learner

    reply with an email thm99 at hotmail.

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