Hello, We're looking to hire on an artist with knowledge of 3D/2D art (via Blender) to come join our team at Rogue Pirate Ninja Interactive (http://www.roguepirateninja.com). Duties include concept art sketching, 3D modeling (+ animating), unwrapping, and 2D texture creation while working with an established and distributed team over the internet. We are offering a monthly stipend, a share in idea/design control, plus profit sharing at the end of the project for at minimal 15-20 hours/week time as an independent contractor. We are currently finishing up pre-production work for our second iPhone title, and would love your input as well as help with concept sketches. If interested, please send your resume/CV plus portfolio to me at jonathan.wolf _at_ gmail.com, or feel free to ask questions below or over PM. Thank you for your time, Jonathan Wolf Executive Producer Rogue Pirate Ninja Interactive
Hey prez, We have all our export scripts written (in python) to use Blender to export out to a custom XML format for the engine we've written (running at 70k SLOC). There are a lot of really neat things that can be done very quickly and easily in Blender that leads to a lot of potential for rapid prototyping and developing of scenes that a programmer would normally have to code up being offset to the artist. There are a few things that Blender does a bit awkwardly, though, but we've gotten through our first trial by fire and are looking forward to the next challenge. Our lead artist actually got hired out of our team by a high class contract that we couldn't afford to match.
that sounds pretty amazing i'm interested in Blender and would you love to help you, but all i know really right now is how to work and configure the UI haha but, good look hunting!! im sure you can deffinately try one of the many blender forums at blender.org
Thanks mate Yeah, the Blender UI is a bit crazy to get used to. I've not done much modeling in it myself, but I've done enough of the python side to have a fairly good idea of what it's trying to accomplish, somewhat awkwardly. Are you growing up in Blender or coming from another software?
It is very awkward, but its pretty amazing how the whole thing is like a sheet of paper, and it can do almost anything.... and 'growing up' in blender...well...I started off with google sketchup, found that i loved modeling, and so tried to move up. But, blender is in no way as easy as sketchup. No more click and drag, but i have to use this weird button called 'render' from now on...ahah But, im trying to learn blender, its just not very fun reading, when the author wants you to do the thing and read at the same time!! haha and as for coding, im learning as3 for flash games and cs5
i think if your up to it, and in no rush for money of course!, then we should learn to model in blender as a team
Just send you a mail. I am interested. my portfolio - www.karanshah.110mb.com/3d.htm All work made in blender Regards Karan