Universal Hoop League Tactics: Turn-Based Basketball (by Koality Game)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by KoalityGame, Oct 22, 2019.

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  1. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    #1 KoalityGame, Oct 22, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019

    Hello TA! Developer of Prizefighters here. I'd like to share the next game that I've been working on for the past year.

    Hoop League Tactics is a 2D turn-based basketball game inspired by tactical strategy games such as XCOM. I am a huge basketball fan as well as fan of strategy games, so I figured why not combine the two? What I've come up with is a game that allows you to take your time and think about each move on every possession which I believe fits perfectly for mobile gameplay. You'll be able to play the game offline in single player or pass and play with a friend.

    The game is played by taking direct control of your team's offense, moving players around like chess pieces to create a high shot percentage for scoring a basket. The ball handler can dribble around with directional movement, pass to a teammate, or take a shot from his/her current position. The chance of making the shot depends on the player's shooting ability, their distance from the basket, as well as the ability of the defender directly in front of them. Players have ratings in seven attributes which impacts the outcome of different actions.

    For your teammates that are off the ball, you can move them around for better scoring position or use them to screen off the defender for the ball handler. Each tile movement takes one second off of the shot clock and every action costs stamina so you'll have to plan your actions carefully. If a player's stamina gets too low their ratings will take a hit. Below you can see an example of a successful dunk and three pointer.

    Slam Dunk


    On defense, your players are controlled by defensive sliders that dictate how aggressive they are at stealing/blocking the ball. Steals and blocks have risk/reward as you can either force a turnover or risk fouling or end up out of position on a failed steal attempt resulting in a high shot percentage for the opponent.

    Steal Successful

    Steal Attempt Failed

    Outside of gameplay, since the game doesn't have any official licenses (default teams and players are randomly generated), I've added more customization options than any of my previous games. You'll be able to edit the existing league or create an entirely new one, choosing the amount of teams and placing them in conferences and divisions. You can edit each team's names, uniform colors, and even home court colors. Every player can also be customized by changing their name, appearance, and ratings. After customizing a league to your liking, you'll be able to start a season with any team to try and win the championship. I plan on revealing full details on season mode at a later date so stay tuned!

    Hoop League Tactics is currently in closed beta testing with an open beta scheduled in November and release coming a month later in December of 2019 for iPhone and iPad. Please contact me by PM if you are interested in beta testing the game in it's very early stages. Please note that you will be playing an incomplete version with missing game mechanics but your feedback will be invaluable in shaping the game's future.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Hoop League Tactics so far and thank you for your time!

    title.png Screenshot_20191019-141723.png customize_options.png edit_league.png edit_team.png edit_player.png player_appearance.png
    Riccali00, Gwarmaxx and Kraudi2k like this.
  2. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    yeeeaaah, seems an excelent idea for a basketball game, and the art reminds me the kunio-kun NES series, can't wait for it!
    plus, your Prizefighter game is still strong on my device, a truly masterpiece!
  3. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    Thank you! The gameplay is still early and missing key mechanics, but I'm hoping with the testing and additional development time before release it'll be up to par with Prizefighters. I gained valuable feedback from these forums last time so I'm looking forward to more of the same!
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  4. Capronissimo71

    Capronissimo71 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2011
  5. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    Thanks for your interest! The beta has been submitted to Apple and I will send out invites via TestFlight once it's approved (usually takes a day or so).
  6. Capronissimo71

    Capronissimo71 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2011
  7. rpommier

    rpommier Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    I'd be interested in testing if there's room.

  8. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    Of course! I've just sent you an invite :)
  9. zoomy942

    zoomy942 New Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Hi there! I would LOVE to be a part of this. I've been training/playing basketball for years and turn based hoops? Oh heck yeah I'm in! How could I be a part of this? I would love to share feedback.
  10. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    Great! Just sent you an invite!
  11. masemase

    masemase Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    So would I if still space!
  12. ggallin

    ggallin Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Hi! I would love be part of betatesting, looks great!
  13. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #13 Gwarmaxx, Oct 25, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019

    so, i’ve tried the game in this couple of days, and can say that it’ll be one of the best games of this year for me, loving it mostly ‘cause i’m a great fan of everything that has a turn based system (wargames, rpg, sports, etc)...
    if i can ask you something, i would say that all text on screen are extremely small (player stats are almost unreadable), at least for an iPhone screen, so maybe you should use the same Prizefighters format, would be great, and also sound fx/music are too low even at maximum volume.

    anyway, keep on this way, it will be great!
  14. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    I'm glad to hear that you're really enjoying the game even in it's early state! Thank you for the feedback on the text, I will see what I can do to make it more readable. Are there any other text besides player stats that are difficult to read?

    Regarding audio, there isn't much sfx or music for in-game at the moment, I will be working on that more for the next update :)

    Also, here is a preview of overall team and player rankings that I've added to the team selection screen:

    AltsKev, Gwarmaxx and Kraudi2k like this.
  15. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    wow, that’s cool!

    about text stuff, i noticed that the option screen looks like the Prizefighters one, which is a good thing imo, but here is consistently smaller, why did you make that choice? on iPhone is nearly unreadable, specially players stats, really too small...
  16. Sebastian Kam

    Sebastian Kam New Member

    Oct 25, 2019
  17. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    #17 KoalityGame, Oct 25, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
    The font I use for Prizefighters and now Hoop League are different, before it was all capslock which made it difficult to read as well for some players. With this new font, I started using it in one part of the game then made the UI consistently the same size throughout before I received feedback on the size. In the next update, I will make the font a bit larger and hopefully that will make it easier for players to read. I appreciate your feedback!

    Edit: Here is a look at the updated text size (before/after). The heading text size for ratings have been increased by 2 points and the stats text have been color coded and increased by 3 points.

    Before.png Before.png

    Attached Files:

    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  18. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    Thank you to those of you that have provided feedback in this first phase of testing! The first major update is now available and adds many features and improvements to gameplay. The full list of changes can be seen below:

    Version 0.3.0

    - Added a tutorial mode
    - Added shot blocks
    - Added 5-turn cool down between dunk attempts
    - Players now regain a bit of stamina between periods
    - Removed stamina cost for movement and dribbling
    - Shot accuracy percentage for the selected player is now shown on the backboard
    - Added offensive strength icons for shooting and dunking
    - Added a hand icon to indicate strength of defensive player's positioning
    - Various icons in game are color coded according to player skill rating
    - Defended tiles are now highlighted when passing or dribbling
    - Defensive players are now smarter about which tiles they are defending
    - Passes are rated by risk depending on passer rating and defender's steal ability
    - Added ball control meter to show likelihood of losing the ball while dribbling
    - Added ability to catch on 'fire' by hitting multiple shots in a row. While on fire, stamina is ignored and shot percentage is increased.
    - Added ability to double tap on a tile to quick move
    - Added ability to double tap on a receiver to quick pass

    - Added team and player overall ratings
    - Only relevant player ratings are shown during gameplay
    - Added ability to toggle between player stats and ratings in game
    - Increased UI text size in menus and stat boxes

    - Added additional sound effects
    - Added more variation in shot arcs
    - Fixed court colors displaying incorrectly in game

    Please continue leaving any thoughts or feedback that you may have! Stay tuned for the next update which should add the first taste of Season mode and further improvements to the game. Thanks for playing!

    offensive_icons.png defensive_positioning_strength.png defended_tiles.png ball_control.png
  19. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    #19 KoalityGame, Dec 4, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
    Hoop League Tactics is now available for pre-order and will be releasing on December 19, 2019! I'm also excited to share full details on Season Mode which will be coming in the next update for those that are beta testing.

    Season Mode Features:
    - Choose a league and take your own basketball team through an in-depth Season Mode.
    - Draft players, negotiate contracts, and improve your team after every game with player progression and skill trees.
    - Manage your players fatigue and keep them fresh with load management. Players will retire if they've played too many seasons.
    - Play, watch, or simulate your own games and other team's games around the league.
    - Increase fan support and team chemistry to gain more income to purchase team upgrades and attract players at a lower cost.
    - Full stat tracking for every player and team across multiple categories.
    - Earn individual accomplishments for your players from multiple end of season awards.
    - Qualify for the post season tournament and lead your team to the championship.
    - Continue playing for multiple seasons and win as many championships as possible!

    If you're not currently in the beta, please let me know if you're interested in testing. If you'd like to pre-order, you can do so at this link:


    Thanks for reading!

    iphone5_draft.png iphone5_roster.png iphone5_player_upgrades.png iphone5_post_game.png iphone5_season_awards.png
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  20. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701

    great news!!!
    KoalityGame likes this.

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