How much would it cost, start to finish?

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Paradiso, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Paradiso

    Paradiso Well-Known Member

    Some of you might know I run the website The nature of the site is ideal for a mobile version/app. But for several reasons I'm in no position to design it. No Mac, little experience, no time to learn coding.

    So my question to anyone out there with app development and web developement experience is, roughly how much would you charge to design it for me, from start to finish? If an app is developed, it would be free, so it couldn't be a percentage of sales or anything like that.

    Like I said, I don't have experience with this, so if you need more info just ask.
  2. Paradiso

    Paradiso Well-Known Member

    It should be noted that I dont just want a mobile viewer for the forum, as Apple would reject it. I want a system that'll replace what I'm using now.

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