I'll buy it when there's a sale.

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by toythatkills, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. toythatkills

    toythatkills Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Thames Ditton, UK
    "I'll buy it when there's a sale."

    Is it just me that gets increasingly annoyed seeing posts like this around tA? I appreciate that the nature of the App Store involves constantly changing prices, but personally I find posts like this quite unpleasant.

    If I was a dev and I'd spent months pouring all my energy into a game only for some cheapskate to tell me that £1.19 was too much for all my effort and they'd buy it if it was 59p, well, that's pretty offensive don't you think? And it sometimes happens within hours of a game's thread being put up, which is even worse.

    And then, clearly these people want these games, because otherwise they wouldn't be in the thread in the first place checking them out, or claiming that they're interested at a lower price.

    I'm just not really sure of the mentality behind posts like this. Do they expect the dev to see and think "cripes! that person wants a sale!" and immediately drop the price so that they personally can buy a copy?

    So what is the thinking behind these posts? What makes them feel like the game's thread simply needed that input?

    Not having a go at anyone and indeed, I'm not perfect. There are games that I look at and think they're not worth the money and if they were cheaper I'd buy them, but I just don't feel like it needs to be said out loud. Not only is it offensive, it simply adds nothing at all of worth to the discussion of a game.

    I'm just genuinely curious as to why people spend their time telling us this kind of thing, and why it's just accepted.
  2. goldglover411

    goldglover411 Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    ipod touch game reviewer
    People are poor
  3. Nah, it's just they think a measly sandwich price is too much for some application...

    speaking of which, they should eat less food.
  4. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    What? $2 for a sandwich!!!! I'd rather order off the value menu.

    This is annoying. But unless TA becomes like faad(weather, location, & no complaining) we will still have this.
  5. They cost a lot in the uk... Wow, how much are US sandwiches?!
  6. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    Well, Big Macs & Whoppers are like 4 bucks. But I wouldn't even pay two for a fast food sandwich.
  7. Mew2468

    Mew2468 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Vancouver, BC
    That's the problem with the App Store. Everybody is trying to get visibility, so they drop their apps to 99¢ either permanently or temporarily. People now expect that all apps that aren't made by Gameloft or EA or 99¢*or free.
  8. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More
    I thought the discussion was about people wanting a sale on games and apps, not sandwiches.

    Big difference there, once you eat a sandwich, it is gone, well there is one additional goodbye but we will skip the details on that.

    Software is something you get potentially unlimited use of.
  9. Puzbox

    Puzbox Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
    Making fun games
    I don't think they do buy, I think its just an expression from young kids, their way of saying "its cool but I don't really want it."

    I'm a developer and I don't worry about it. You've got to have a thick skin and accept that kids will massively slag off your 100% free app if they don't like even one tiny thing... despite the fact its free. Those people exist, just ignore them.
  10. toythatkills

    toythatkills Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Thames Ditton, UK
    Well, I have no problem with that, and I have no problem with people waiting for sales either, I just don't understand the need to post in a game's thread to say that you won't buy the game until it's cheap.

    I bought a sandwich for £3 the other day, $5 in App Store prices :(
  11. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Because most of the people that say that are self centered, selfishly entitled children - old enough to own an iDevice but too young to have an income. There is only so much they can ask mommy and daddy for and thus they resort to whining. Their self centered entitlement leads them to believe that their whining can influence developers and scare them into thinking - oh gee if I have a sale then I will sell more. Unfortunately many developers succomb to this pressure and reward their whining by offering sales too quickly. As any good parent would do, ignore the bad behavior and perhaps they will learn good behavior.

    I agree it is incredibly rude and annoying to see such posts but what can you do? You can't change the world.
  12. EMTKiNG

    EMTKiNG Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2010
    Los Angeles,CA
    I rather get $.99 mcchickens muahahahahaha:D
  13. Fruho

    Fruho Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Gameloft Employee
    Under Your Bed
    I don't think there's anything wrong in saying it. In fact, it shows that people are learning the values of patience. If they like a game, but they only want it a certain price, and they are willing to wait for that price, then what's wrong? That's like going to a furniture store, seeing a nice dining tale, seeing it's $5,000 dollars, and telling yourself you'll hold off till the price is a bit lower. Anything wrong with that?
    Now what I don't like is people posting low reviews because the price of the game increases/decreases. That is selfish, annoying, and unnacceptable
  14. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    No Way!! I used to like Micky"D's, but now I like the Rodeo burger from BK.
  15. toythatkills

    toythatkills Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Thames Ditton, UK
    Of course there's nothing wrong with that. But what if I went into the furniture store and loudly declared "THIS DINING TABLE IS OVERPRICED, I SHALL BUY IT WHEN YOU OFFER IT TO ME FOR LESS MONEY."

    Like I say, I have no issue with people waiting for sales, just with people that feel the need to say that that's what they're doing. There's absolutely no need for it that I can fathom.
  16. Harpgliss

    Harpgliss Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Here No More

  17. gekkota

    gekkota Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    That pretty much sums it up.

    You've got to be kidding!
    You're trying to turn price-whining into a virtue now?? It has absolutely nothing to do with learning patience, and everything to do with trying to influence developers to lower their prices. If it were simply about learning patience, people wouldn't be whining in a public forum.
  18. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hat Salesman
    Imagine if they changed the lowest price possible to 49 cents.
  19. RttaM

    RttaM Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010

    Mondao, why are you so flippin' dumb!?
  20. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    Wow. That example makes it seem like they are the biggest idiots, which they are.

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