Universal INFINITE POOL (by Kiseki Games) - Aim. Shoot. Sink balls forever!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by resa12354, Jun 11, 2018.

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  1. resa12354

    resa12354 Member

    Feb 20, 2017
    Creative Director at Kiseki Games
    #1 resa12354, Jun 11, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
    Hi guys, here's a sneak peak at our latest game, INFINITE POOL, which will be out soon on the AppStore. How soon? This week on 14th June 2018 ! It is currently available as pre-order now.

    Not sure why but I couldn't post GIF here, so here's a link to the tweet:

    UPDATE: Here's a new gameplay video:

    Hope you enjoy this one! We're feeling pretty good about the game mechanic and hopefully for us it will finally be our big break! :)


    Infinite Pool Icon.png upload_2018-6-11_13-12-9.png upload_2018-6-11_13-12-31.png upload_2018-6-11_13-12-44.png upload_2018-6-11_13-12-51.png upload_2018-6-11_13-12-57.png upload_2018-6-11_13-13-3.png

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