Universal Introducing LIMONS from LuckyJuly!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by HJ Lee, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. HJ Lee

    HJ Lee Active Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Mobile Game Developer
    Seoul, Korea
    #1 HJ Lee, Jul 31, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2015
    Introducing LIMONS

    [Company Overview]
    Founded in September of 2014, LuckyJuly Inc. is dedicated to develop premium mobile games for all ages. LuckyJuly’s first project LIMONS is being developed exclusively on iOS platform, scheduled to launch in Q3 2015.

    [Game Overview]
    LIMONS is a unique virtual creature game with beautiful creature characters arts and sound which will please the eyes and the ears of its players. LIMONS allows players to enter into an engaging relationship with their LIMONS with simple touches of player’s finger.

    [Game Play]
    Players start with a mysterious egg, which the players cracks open to find a cute looking creature called LIMON.
    LIMONS has 4 main features players can enjoy: caring and growing part, decorating part, exploration part and community part.

    With simple touches and taps:

    1. You can show your love in a number of different ways by caring for your own LIMON. Players can feed, play with, clean and heal LIMON. As you care for your LIMON, your LIMON will grow into something wonderful!

    2. Players can also decorate background parts and props, and add special pets to create a unique environment just for you and your limon.

    3. Players can go on a short journey, exploring the lands and collect various rewards and special stickers. Collect all the stickers for special prizes.

    4. Players can also visit friends, see how they’re doing, and can even help them out. Players can also see their ranknings in a leaderboard.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Your role, as the master of your creature, is to take good care of your LIMON and maintain a good relationship while enjoying beautiful art works and items to enhance your experience.

    Your LIMON will grow in size and change appearance!


    We’re very excited to release LIMONS this fall, so please stay tuned and visit LIMONS Facebook page for more info and pictures.

    We'd LOVE your 'LIKE' at http://www.facebook.com/applimons :)
    You can also follow us at https://twitter.com/appLIMONS :)

    Thank You!


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