Looking for 2D Artist / Animator

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by chrs944, May 23, 2012.

  1. chrs944

    chrs944 Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    We are currently working on a game for the Mac and are looking for a 2D Artist / Animator to join our team. Before getting into too much detail, I would prefer an artist that can work on a royalty / percentage based fee although I am not opposed to direct payment for work.

    I need ALL of the art for this game to be created.. It's a zombie / monster themed game with a main character (hero) the game is set to take place in an underground lab and the player has to make his way to the surface, killing all types of zombies / monsters along the way. This will be a vertical scroller.

    Some examples of what I need are:

    Zombies - Variety of walking, running, crawling, birds, dogs, cats
    Main Character
    Level Backgrounds
    Platforms for the player to jump onto
    I will also need typical animations for each character designer (walking, running, jumping, falling, dying, being eaten, etc...)
    I also need illustration art for advertising

    I currently don't have an artist on my team or even anyone with enough artistic talent to draw as much as a title screen. We are programmers and this is one of our first games. We've got everything planned out and are ready to place some artwork.

    If you think you have the time to get into a project of this magnitude please contact me through PM or email me at [email protected]. This could be an exciting opportunity as we've got a very unique idea of where to take this game. There is certainly nothing similar currently in the App Store that uses the same game play mechanics.

    Looking forward to hearing from someone.

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