Looking for a copywriter

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by BanzaiTokyo, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. BanzaiTokyo

    BanzaiTokyo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    #1 BanzaiTokyo, Jun 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
    I am releasing my first game and I would like to have some professionally written reviews. I am looking to hire a reasonably priced copywriter who could help me here.

    One of the reasons I am not writing the reviews myself is obvious - it would be best if it was written by a native English speaker and second, I would like to have a "detached" look from outside the development team.

    Get in touch with me through PM or email: banzaitokyo at gmail.
    Please, provide some quotes for your services. Thanks!

    Update: here's the video preview of the game that we need reviewed:

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