Looking for a dev to add ads to my existing iOS game and port it to Android

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by sanjsanj, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. sanjsanj

    sanjsanj Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    I have an already approved iOS game and have been told it was made using Airplay SDK (Marmalade), I'm not a programmer myself so am looking for someone to do some augmenting for me.

    I'd like to implement iAds or whatever ad-service is easiest to do. As said above I believe it was made in Airplay SDK so it hopefully shouldn't be too tricky to do this.

    And also I'd like to port it for use on Android as I understand this should be very easy in Airplay, and also implement some kind of ad service there.

    If you can do either or both of these things for me then please get in touch via PM, I need to see your previous work and whatever else I need to know that you're a reliable and trustworthy individual. I have a price in mind and it's pretty low, but for someone that can handle Airplay this should be a breeze.

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