Looking for a Unity (or Unreal) developer

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by kukulcan, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. kukulcan

    kukulcan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    #1 kukulcan, Nov 5, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2011
    In addition to our travel apps we will add games to our portfolio, we have quite some assets already so this is a logical step.

    We are planning our second game for 12/20/2012 and right now the plan is to do a "Defender of the Crown just in the world of the ancient Maya" type of game.

    The basic concept is done, round based like the original, a little more "building" and every of the minigames replaced by a Maya version (Pelote game instead of Joust etc.) but with a clear reminescence to the orignal. Single Player first (maybe pass&play), real multiplayer later. Playtime a little longer than original, but with strong incentives (seperate achievement sets for every ruler, one special power for each, unlocking a sixth city and alternative "final" ending) to play all of the city-state's rulers.

    Main development needs to be done in about 9 month (starting April 2012), concept will be adjusted for feasibility in the month til then. 3D Models - buildings and rigged characters (all 3ds max) as well as the story (a slightly politically incorrect time travel story) are mostly done. Music, sound, intro (3D/comic mix) will be done by us, as well as all menu screens/icons.

    So the main work would be importing/converting, animating (with our assistance) but first and foremost level/world setup and scripting.

    Payment would solely be in the form of royalties, we just might set up a 8BitFunding project to give you a small upfront payment. I am sure we can prepeare an impressive presentation for that. For "pure implementation" we are offering about 1/3 of royalties. If there is a small dev studio in need of concept/story/assets but with more to offer (like experienced animators or sound experts) we can talk about a 50/50 collaboration.

    Game will (together with our first game and other apps) be marketed by a 1-year Maya calendar countdown with weekly comic episode, contest, developer diary and other goodies.

    We are based in germany but used to international collaboration. We are neither experienced in Unity nor other engines, so I dont know if such a project is doable in the time frame. If not we are looking into doing a more basic 2D version.

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