Looking for an artist!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by VanKanix, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. VanKanix

    VanKanix Active Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    #1 VanKanix, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
    I found team mate! I'll be back with new game!


    Hello I'm VanKanix.
    I'm a personal developer who made 'left alone', 'be a ninja' and 'amazing snail racer' for iphone. I did programming, music and graphics all of them.(include game concept)

    However I feel I can't make a game any more like this. Because my drawing is bad... I think graphic is really important but I just can't draw well.
    Also I can't design fun game just because I can't draw it.

    I need a professional artist who can draw 'mega man', 'dungeon and dragon', 'super mario', 'street fighter' and so on. (You will see some patterns.)

    If we earn the money. I'll pay for it.(Of course) think it's kind of cofounder.

    I'll expect you :)
    -love making a game.
    -love to see that your characters or backgrounds are on the game.
    -can make sprites.
    Don't care it is dot image or 3d rendered but I like dot image.
    -any feedback. (Coz I'm not making a game alone. I'll make a game with you)

    Please send me a PM or email me to VanKanix(AT)gmail.com

  2. pgboy

    pgboy Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2010
    i just want ot say thank you. i actually had no idea about art when i saw this but after 12 hours of practice and tutorials i actualy got ok at making art and sprites. I only started because i saw this thank you i now have a new hobby
  3. VanKanix

    VanKanix Active Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    Hey Pgboy~

    That's great! Every expert start from hobby. :) I also learned and searched on internet how to draw sprite and what it is. and how to animate them.
    I'm sure you will have that ability! when you have it. Please let me know or I'll send a PM to you :)
  4. pgboy

    pgboy Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2010
    wow that means alot to me i am really enjoying it i have worked with music for a little over to years and i think i am already likeing art a little better. I am working on a sprite sheet but i dont know how to animate yet. what programs should i use?
  5. VanKanix

    VanKanix Active Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    I'm not a graphic designer however...

    My expertise is not drawing sprites however I know a tools that I'm using :)


    It was perfect tool for drawing sprites and animate it. If you searched 'graphicsgale' on youtube. You will see lots of video for this.

    Enjoy it!
  6. BrettArchibald

    BrettArchibald Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    Self-employed interactive designer.
    Formerly Zimbabwe - now England.
    None of your game links work...? :confused:
  7. VanKanix

    VanKanix Active Member

    Feb 17, 2010

    Probably now works. :)
  8. Diablohead

    Diablohead Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Freelancer, PC game developer
    It's been a while since I spent a lot of time with sprite artwork but I can do it, while it's not a completely original concept I use to make a few fan games related to sonic back in 2001-2004, it's probably not wise to admit such things :p i'll link you to the last "effort" I gave with making one in spare time, please note this was not for money it was just a hobby thing.


    The sonic sprite was made by a friend and myself, the enemies shown there are the originals but everything else (tiles, flowers, springs) are all made from scratch.

    If you feel that I might be of some service to you then just send me a PM or email me, [email protected]

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