Looking for Artists!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Calined, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. Sparks

    Sparks Well-Known Member

    19 or 20 - still is NOT very good. AT all.
  2. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    Um dude... you said "It adds ads"... not "It is free"... I would have been jumping up and down if you had said that and definitely would have remembered that. Besides, mine only has 19 plays, but so? It's so much better than yours. Considering yours is a dumb app with 4 little Blinks that have really crappy animations(Yes, you heard me right people... the animations are supposed to be better, but our dear friend Pear here refused to use about half the frames) that do absolutely nothing except swim around unrealistically at about 0.5 mph and never stop to rest(Oh wait, and they eat... sorta... if you consider food that's 10x larger than them fading away "eating"), and I made a really cool computer game with up to 10 Blinks, all who swim around extremely realistically, with a menu screen, store(With these items available for your Nice and Mean Points: Feeding[and they actually eat the food!], whirlpool, grenades[But oh no, that would make the app "unsuitable for 9-year-olds"! boo hoo!], Christmas tree[with snow and dance], love potion, shark attack, dangerous cave, freezeover ability, and 5 backgrounds), a full achievement system(Unlike the app, you actually have something to work for! Not just, OMG shake your iDevice to make bubbles, OMG you did it YAY!), a fully illustrated help screen, and more, it's kinda stupid to say your app is better than my game.
  3. Sparks

    Sparks Well-Known Member

    More people bought it. :D. Plus you have no idea whats coming soon. I know your immature - but please pretend to be a decent human being?
  4. spidey146

    spidey146 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    How about I make a thread for the both of you with a poll where you can both fight and tell your stories so that

    1) You get out of this thread
    2) The TA community can help decide
  5. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    Woah woah woah. Who's immature? T_T
    and besides, more people bought it - BECAUSE I told them about it btw - because the computer version did not exist. And if people knew what has been going on, plus how superior the computer version was, they would never have bought it.
  6. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    Nah. He doesn't deserve his own thread, even a shared one. I'm sick of this crap.
  7. spidey146

    spidey146 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    I'm sick of the two of you ruining this thread, we don't need another hardcoregamer thread, sorry for my tone but you guys either go somewhere else or just shut up and move on.
  8. Sparks

    Sparks Well-Known Member

    I am getting more sales now then I ever have. and be serious 20 people played it - LOL thats REALLY sad. So don't be a jerk and take out your anger on me just because your an immature 12 year old jerk.
  9. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    #29 saintsalive, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
    Dude. I'm freaking 13. And you're only 15, so it's not like you're mature either.

    Besides, 20 plays is really good, there are good apps in the app store that barely even get downloaded. And if you try the stupid guilt-trip on me AGAIN, that's your fault not mine.

    Plus, you were fine yesterday and talking to me just fine, and even wanted me to join you again, why are you going crazy all of the sudden?
  10. Sparks

    Sparks Well-Known Member

    You have been treating me like trash - I sent you an email - i am done for this thread.
  11. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Grow up girlies. Your communication skills are dreadful.
  12. KGameLover1

    KGameLover1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    I'd be glad to help!!! PM me.
  13. supermariofan

    supermariofan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    I'll join too! PM me!
  14. Foozelz

    Foozelz Well-Known Member

    get a load of this guy! trying to get in
  15. The prez 12521

    The prez 12521 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    hehe i love how the was just a cat fight then 2 posts offered help and blam, no fighting! :D hahhaha

    but sorry to say this, i believe saints...always will!
  16. kohjingyu

    kohjingyu Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I wish I could've made Blinks. Sigh. Nice game idea. :) Plus it's always fun to work with someone. :)

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