Looking for: Programmers

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by hardcoregamer, Sep 21, 2009.

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  1. hardcoregamer

    hardcoregamer Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2009
    Making iPhone games
    Looking for: Programmers
    Amount of experience needed: Minimal
    Pay: Can pay in promo codes, as this is really just for fun

    I want to create an iPhone game but have no experience, and being an full-time student, don't have time to learn, so I need a person/people to help me make it. Minimal experience needed, as this is just for fun, and because it's just for fun, I can only afford to pay you in promo codes. If you are interested, just PM me or reply to this thread. I don't care whether we make a free app or a ten dollar app, I just want to have fun with it! Hope people will be interested! Also needed (but not as much as programmers) people to help with artwork. I hope to have 1-5 people sign up, I have a few ideas already, but would be happy to take ideas form you guys. Thanks!

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