Universal Lost Ronin- A Journey through Memory Lane!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Zamilur Rashid, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Zamilur Rashid

    Oct 19, 2016
    CEO of Gameover Studio (http://gameover.studio/)
    #1 Zamilur Rashid, Mar 19, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
    Lost Ronin is about Terukage's Journey through his memory lane!

    Doraku Terukage (We call him Teru) is a member of a declining samurai clan Kurotaka. For a long, long time the Kurotaka clan have forgotten the ways of the Samurai and living a dishonourable life. And they are constantly being oppressed by the stronger clans.

    Our hero Teru is different than the others of his clan, he learns about the Great Samurai God Futsunushi and his magical Katana. Teru discovers an ancient scroll where he finds that if he can locate the temple of the Samurai god Futsunusi then he will be granted the legendary Katana named Roujin and it will make him a Samurai master. Terukage realises that this is the only way to save his village and clan from the age-old oppression. So, he sets out for the journey bidding his friends and family goodbye.


    'Lost Ronin' is a fast paced level based Arcade with a strong storyline! It's still a work in progress and we shall update this page whenever we have updates to share!-

    Estimated Launch Date: 25th May!
    We shall be able to provide Promo code from Late April! (You can reach out to [email protected]
    For more info visit our website: http://gameover.studio
  2. hopefull1980

    hopefull1980 New Member

    Mar 14, 2017
    Looking nice...... When will you release this game....?

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