Marketer looking for a project (free)

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by DarkTides, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. DarkTides

    DarkTides Member

    Nov 8, 2014
    #1 DarkTides, Oct 15, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
    I am looking for a project possibly that is under development currently. I attended college for marketing with a specialization in Strategic Marketing, and Marketing Research.

    I am currently doing this for experience, so currently my expertise and knowledge would be free. Possibly if the intended project takes off, where revenue is substantially generated then maybe we could work something out.

    Right now I have extensive knowledge with market research and preliminary entrant research. This means I am able to graph potential markets and generate compiled data to support this evidence. I would be willing to help anyway possible with concept generation or anything. Largely I know the whole gamut of marketing in essence and a large factor of operations and organizational management.

    I am an avid gamer (any platform) and I do have some excellent concept ideas, which could prove to be successful if equipped with the proper technical expertise. I am a analytical and risk averse type business person, where I have to see the numbers to make a big plunge; or circumstantial evidence that is logically coherent.

    Reply or message me, I will be in contact with you promptly.

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