Guys I'm out, sry. I got really bored out of MC5 and want to focus on other games now instead. I already left the squad. See ya!
Seems like we have had a lot of people leave, Charlie is down to 16 I think... Just as I am starting to actually get quite good and wanted to play some squad matches, no one is online at the same time as me! Ah well! (I am not really interested in joining Delta at the mo, it's a bit too hardcore for me )
TA Delta squad 3/20 so far. Add chaosprodigy to friends to get invite. Must be willing to Squad pvp alot!
I'm considering leaving Bravo to join Delta as well. I just hate leaving you guys, I hope some more of the other active members will switch.
Hey Chaos, can you accept my GC friend request? Maybe it hasn't shown up yet though I heard it can take a Couple days Edit: my GC name is TheFallOfTrippe
Later pal! It was great having ya Its will be best to add him in-game so that he can invited you instantly. I have some instruction in bold on the main post.
TA Delta is all about being "active" - that doesn't mean you have to be the best player ever, just willing to play nearly every day. I want to see many many many squad battles every day. Right now its a bit rough because i have myself and 2 others in squad and 2 others pending invite accept so that will be 5/20. Still need some more active players so we can start cranking that squad battle all the time.
Chaos, just been thinking about Delta and one thing that would probably help your cause is knowing the time zones everyone is in, and when they can play. You could probably make mini squads within your squad then which would help coordinate your play. also the quickest way to get people in your friends list so you can invite them to the squad, is for them to add you in game (as said on page 1) I still have GC friends that don't appear in my friend list in game! I am tempted to join Delta, as there doesn't seem to be anyone online from Charlie when I am, but there would be no point if I am still the only one active. btw I play around 8pm BST (UTC+1) every night.
I used to be in Bravo Squad but I left bc there weren't too many people online when I'm on and when they are they don't accept the squad battle invite. I already added you on Game Center chaos prodigy so sign me up for delta squad. thanks I'm KIA ConfluX btw
Chaos, just sent a request in game to join delta. Charlie has been fun, but I've not done a single squad battle since I left my first squad to join Charlie.
looks like everyone is leaving for delta I will give it a day or so, and I may have to jump across as well...
Hello all, Please invite in any of Squads, Name - Donatas, K/D - 2.6 (~2100/800), Active. You can see me in Solo Events in the Top of ranks.
Hi Doncekeb, the solo events are 100 random opponents, probably unlikely to meet any fellow arcadians As I said in the main thread, the easiest and quickest way is if you go and find the squad you want to join that has space in game, and add the squad leader as a friend, this info is on the first post of this thread. Best to send them a message as well explaining why you are adding them, else they may ignore it!
I'm going to leave Bravo for Delta, Chaos we are already friends so should be easy to invite me in. I show up as James D or JCman7. Thanks! Looking forward to being in an active squad. Sorry to Bravo it's been fun and I hope to see a lot of you active Bravo players to make the switch.
Fellow Alpha members, I had all of my progress deleted yesterday for some unknown reason that I'm hoping gets resolved. I'm pretty sure it happened while I was playing because I was leveling up my sniper class (which was my last remaining class to level up). When I restarted, I was at level 2 and my favorite weapon with 60-something kills was listed as the 2nd tier sniper rifle, but it was showing as locked (along with every other weapon, attachment, perc, etc.). Really bummed about it and I won't be playing MP for awhile since I may have to level up all over again. It just reinforces to me how bad the low tier weapons are.
Update on TA Delta roster. 9/20 once KIA Konflux and JCman7 join. As for inviting new Squad members: If u are inviting then you must let me know they are 1. From TA 2. Understand what Delta is about and can be an active player. Do not invite if you do not tell me as per above, I will just remove them if i don't know who they are.