MC5 - TA Squad

Discussion in 'MMO Codes and 'Add Me' Requests' started by oscar123967, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    How active do players need to be to be on a squad? And what if we're not very good? I've tried all of the prior MC games and never got very good so I always ended up deleting them after getting destroyed for a week or two. I just re-downloaded MC4 on a whim and am loving it, but am again getting smoked. I only play at night (EST), but plan on picking up MC5 early on, when I'm on somewhat less of a disadvantage (because I won't be up against mostly people with much better weapons and a ton more experience). I don't really know what the squads are for, but think maybe it would be a way to help me get better at the game so I'm not a complete liability.
  2. Checkerspell

    Checkerspell Member

    May 31, 2014
    Everyone can join the squad. You don't need to have a good k/d, all that matters is that you have fun. The only important thing is, that you tell us when you are going to stop playing mc5 for a while (as you wrote that you deleted it once). In squads, you can chat with the other player in it and can play together against other squads. In addition to that, you can participate in squad events.
  3. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Just had a thought, do we need to be online (as in playig the game) for Rip and Checkerspell to add us into the squads?

    If so it might be an idea to say when you are planing to pick up the game and when you will be playing. And maybe Oscar/rip/Checkerspell can record them...

    Just a thought.

    And getting it Launch day, and playing around 8pm BST Thursday (maybe sooner in the afternoon if I get some spare time ;))
  4. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Yeah I'll be picking it up straight away.
    I'll get it on my NZ account if I have a quiet day but I'm not expecting to so I'll probably pick it up around 11:30pm BST.
    Beyond that I'll just create a squad straight away and start adding whoever on my squad has the game.

    You don't have to be online for me to add you. You just have to be on my GC friends list and have the game.
    I'll just add the people on the list that have it and next time they are online, they will have a notification in the squad box of an invite to join and they just accept then.

    I'll keep doing that till everybody is added so there's no panic on getting in there early or late on the game, it won't matter, I'll just keep adding from my group as I go until its full.
  5. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Thanks for the quick response. Is it in-game chat? I have a lot of catching up to do on what to expect from MC5, apparently. I've been around TA for a few years now and would certainly give the courtesy of letting people know if I'm not going to be playing for a stretch. Just don't want to be a drag to a team if it's a competitive thing. And I also don't mind taking a back seat to more experienced players if they want first crack at the slot.
  6. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #146 Rip73, Jul 22, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
    Naw, man, join in. It's not a race to the leaderboard at all.
    It's just an extra dynamic that has potential to make it more fun.
    Also time limited events will have rewards in them so teams will help for those rewards.
    But mainly, no, it's not competitive and is not skill or k/d related important at all.
    It just looks like it might be fun.

    It's not clan or elitism stuff. In fact I primarily had the rewards of the time limited events in mind initially but after playing WoT Blitz, I just found the squad/platoon thing to be very entertaining.
    As I've said all along go nuts if you want, nobody will really care. We could always use some cannon fodder as well:).
    Also, from playing all the other MC's, I always thought if only the team would coordinate a bit, it's be so much easier to win.
    It just seems like it'd be an advantage but it certainly is not a race to the top by any means.

    Its in game text chat. A preferable option for me, don't need to hear a lot of screaming and shouting:) but it will help in coordinating flanking attacks.
  7. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Awesome. Please count me in guys. I'm hoping it'll make me a better player. Multiplayer FPSs weren't really around when I was younger so I'm still learning the ropes. But that said, I do have a blast when I'm not completely outmatched. I'm very curious to see how they implement in-game text chat.

    From the sounds of this thread, is the game coming out this Thursday? Fair to assume it'll be around the same price point as the previous versions?

    Anyway, thanks for the friendly welcome. Look forward to having some fun.
  8. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Best place to go is here - all thought there is a lot of info there to go through!

    Basically yes it's released on Thursday (or very late Wednesday) and will cost $6.99, or whatever that translates to. No IAP :D
  9. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Welcome on board! What is your GameCenter ID? And would you like to join Alpha team or Bravo team or whichever? :)
  10. Checkerspell

    Checkerspell Member

    May 31, 2014
    I'm going to create the squad at about 10 am GMT, but I will also check in the evening for the ones who didn't get mc5 that early. If you get it a bit later at that day, just write it in this thread.
  11. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    My bad. I forgot that sigs don't always show up (at least they don't for me if I'm logged in). My GC is Jibba Junior. No preference on the team. Thanks!
  12. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Thanks, Mess! I'll take a look if I have a chance. Nice to see GL sticking with the same formula from the last versions.
  13. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Will everyone in the list buy the game day one?
  14. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Your welcome! It's worth popping in to that thread, just say hello, it's mainly the same people but more talk about the actual game as opposed to the squad element.
    There will obviously be the main thread once it's released which I expect will blow up on launch day!!

    I was wondering that too! My suggestion was for everyone to say when they were gonna get it/play it.

    Me day1/Thursday pm BST.
  15. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Definitively a day 1 purchase for me.
  16. HUNK

    HUNK Member

    Jul 22, 2014
    USS Agent (Alpha Team)
    Rockford Island
    Yes, for me also is a day 1 purchase. So go ahead and add me on GC.
  17. paulkolin86

    paulkolin86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    You will see me online in less than 24 h. Feel free to invite me then.
    Hope that ppl from The Bravo Squad drink much coffee ;)
    Btw. I changed my GC account. It's the same as the GL one : paulkolin86_PL
  18. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    You better resend requests to everyone.
    Just to be safe. I had you already but I've added that new one just now but some might miss the post.
  19. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    I'll do my best to get it on the first possible store it's available lol. The NZ store I assume. Unless it's a worldwide release, all at the same time.
  20. tahzblade

    tahzblade Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    Day 1 for me !!!!


    I can not wait , what we have been waiting for is almost here - its almost here ....

    MC5 4 LIFE
    TA SQUADS WILL RULE THE MC5 ONLINE WORLD ( TA ALPHA will rule over the rulers )

    Anyways I'm trying not to get TOOOO excited so I don't get disappointed .

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