Moderators; what is going on?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by starjimstar, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. starjimstar

    starjimstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    Recently, two threads about an upcoming gay themed shooter have been removed by moderators. Meanwhile, offending posts are rarely (if ever) dealt with. I am greatly disturbed and I have to inquire about the ethical criteria this forum's moderators follow, because, to me, it seems counterintuitive.

    Another forum member had suggested that "this is a discussion for iPod gaming, not politics." However, we are talking about a game. We are also talking about life, but as some found with 'Passage', sometimes both are inseparable on reflection.
  2. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    They weren't REmoved, they were moved.

    They're in the Lounge section :p

    I was wondering why you stopped posting in your thread. You lost it lol ;) :D
  3. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    - Offending posts are dealt with when they are reported. If you see offending posts that aren't dealt with, you need to report them, otherwise, you are saying you are ok with the content.

    - Those threads were closed because the discussions became offensive/heated.
  4. pante

    pante Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    for me every person who showed that is racist or homosexual-hater should be banned for good.
  5. THEDeliriumTrigger

    THEDeliriumTrigger Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    Also, posts that may not be reported to moderators are usually taken care of by the members posting. I mean, we do have some morals around here.

    And thanks for using my quote; its true ya know ;)
  6. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    I understand your dismay, but unfortunately a majority of people are not open to homosexual people, or ideas. I am not homosexual, but I do see this as an issue of racism (not on the part of the mods, but people as a whole). I saw part of it the argument, could someone fill me in?
  7. THEDeliriumTrigger

    THEDeliriumTrigger Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    It was started by the original poster posting about his game, and he openly referred to himself as homosexual. So, being the children that most people are in this forum, they felt the need to express their opinion, which resulted in some opinions that are quite frankly closed minded, and some words said that really didnt need to be said.
  8. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    #8 rIcHrAnDoM, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
    That type of banter about sexuality has no, absolutely no place to be debated on a "games" forum. Not in any capacity. Nor, for that matter, should race. What I saw in that thread, as well as lots of others is people who immediately want to "take a stand" but really are just using "offensive" posts or threads to further their own offensive stances. You people should be ashamed, take the moral route for once in your lives and just encourage these issues to stop instead of further aggravating these issues by debating/arguing them: The Majority of the Demographic reading Touch Arcade should be assumed to be Children and Teens!

    These people are already prematurely subjected to this type of trash almost everywhere else, let's keep TA a nice, relaxed environment to discuss/debate and argue even, as long as it's done about the games themselves.
  9. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    No, it has a place. The children have to grow up and face the world. We can't have TA be their little sanctuary. They have to face it sometime.
  10. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Games, Brewstermax, this is a website dedicated to games not middle aged men talking with children about sex or racial issues. Dont want this turning into an edition of Dateline. Let their parents take care of deciding what they face, and when they face it.
  11. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    I know that. Well iPhone applications, but regardless. What is the Lounge for? I think that talks of sex, race, and politics has a place. Not in the Games or App sections, but we have a lounge for just that purpose. Sure, it's the parent's responsibility, but at the same time, they are on the internet, and will encounter these things.
  12. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Ok, this I can agree with sir.:rolleyes: and for others viewing....this is how gentlemen handle themselves:D
  13. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    I see nothing wrong with the OP views since I am lesbian myself. I am annoyed by some people's narrow minded views and rush to get up in arms if this is mentioned. They are uncomfortable or homophobic and not wanting to even consider the issue so they make childish accusations.

    The lounge is a place to discuss anything within reason or that is not against Arn's rules.
  14. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    I wonder if TA would be better if we didn't know about people's sexuality, a Don't ask, Don't tell policy, or if we will be a better forums for people being open with this. Hmm.:rolleyes:
  15. pennydreadful

    pennydreadful Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    #15 pennydreadful, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
    Mindless entertainment or the potential to evolve into art?

    I, too, was rather dismayed to see the level of homophobia, immaturity, and incivility displayed within that thread. The actual sexual orientation of the OP is irrelevant because I believe that he was (like most internet trolls) an unemployed involuntarily celibate forty-five year old mischievously stirring up controversy from his parents' basement. However, the post could have led to a deeper discussion of the direction of gaming in general.

    Kotaku recently featured an article entitled, "Growing Up Games: When Will Mature, Mature."

    The author argued that that thus far, "mature" ratings have only designated games that simply feature nudity, profanity, or gratuitous violence. I believe that while games are still a rather young media, they have the capacity to powerfully tell a story in a way that other mediums can not (ie. film, print, etc.)
    Computer games have the potential to be valid works of art that address all facets of the human experience but they can't evolve until the medium stops dealing with those subjects with juvenile prurience.
  16. starjimstar

    starjimstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    It looks as though I have some catching up to do:

    @arn - It is unfortunate that the solution was to halt all discussion rather than moderate the threads. I would like to know more about this (possibly) upcoming game. Hopefully the developer will come back and share screenshots and a synopsis.

    @rich - You are on a different page. I will talk to you when you join the conversation.

    @Candy - Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. All the same, it is good to know you got my back. :)

    @brewstermax - Don't ask/don't tell will only compact the problem. TA members may, on the surface, seem like they are all bratty teens, but they are more diverse than you might realize.

    @pennydreadful - That is a great article. Thank you for the contribution. I have, in the past, thought that the 'mature' rating is rather inappropriate because those games do appeal to my immature side. :p

    @everyone - I am gladdened to see that some of us are capable of civilized debate. I will continue to be an openly gay fan of iPhone games around the forums, so don't you worry about that. After this episode, I might even take up the torch of producing a platformer of the Stonewall riots. I will let you know, arn, when it is ready to be featured on the front page of TouchArcade.

    Now, it is late,
    good night.
  17. organerito

    organerito Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    I think there are basic rules about respect anywhere you are. There are many ignorant people who hate the other just because is a little different. I hope TA is not going to become "Ipod touch fans forum" where it is very easily to be called "dumb, retarded..etc". I think racism and discrimination shouldn't be allowed anywhere, especially in a gaming forum.
  18. b_o_h_i_c_a

    b_o_h_i_c_a Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    It's not racism as homosexual is not a race. Perhaps the word you were going for was discrimination?
  19. The Game Reaper

    The Game Reaper Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    The Emerald Isle
    Why should we hide who we are?

    What really annoys me is when n00bs start posting stuff like "Paying for in app purchases is gay". It's really disappointing when something like the word gay turns into a derogatory
  20. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    Who asked in the first place?

    Race/sexuality thread is the biggest, most tired troll in the book. Big deal, you're gay/black/hermaphroditic/inlovewithsheep/pothead/lost a limb in WW2.

    Go be gay somewhere else.

    Go be straight somewhere else.

    This is a forum dedicated to video games, not your sexuality. People here have been known to express a similar amount of offense to hetero apps like iJiggle or iGirl. What's the difference?


    no one cares.

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