I can't believe every time I'm free to go online people leave or there's no one around.. must be incredibly terrible luck. I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about me needing to rank up but I've seriously been trying to beat 3 missions for almost a month now and no one is ever here to help. Online random is pretty much useless. I end up just helping out HR1s. I haven't seen anyone above HR3 for weeks. When I play those missions with people my level or lower, we fail.
You here? I can play right now. I think we played last time and got destroyed. You think we can do better this time? Only reason I'm asking is because I have pretty much no money in the game. If I lose a couple times I'm broke for good. Failed those big missions too many times and lost it all. Or else I have to start money farming old hunt quests.
Well, if we don't try we'll never know :/ Money is not a problem for me so I can be the one to pay for the mission. EDIT: I have to go, sorry.
It's cool. Apparently I always have bad timing..lol. I thought you have to complete the mission you started yourself in order to have it count? I remember I completed the urgent quest someone else paid for (to get to HR3) and I didn't rank up. So I had to do it over again.
Yup. If you want we can try taking on the Gravios again and I promise I won't go rambo with low health