Moravia App Review Translator

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Milan Krcma, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Milan Krcma

    Milan Krcma New Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    App developers often go to great lengths to gather feedback on their products. It is important. But analyzing information from users that may post their reviews in 5, 10, or any number of the world’s languages is a challenge. It takes time and money.

    To help app developers address this challenge, Moravia has developed the App Review Translator. It helps to gather and analyze reviews of your apps globally, across local app stores, and regardless of the language used by reviewers. Moreover, using machine translation, the application provides all user comment information in both the original language and its English translation.

    The Moravia App Review Translator provides:

    - A comprehensive report that combines regional and platform detail with an easy-to-use rating system.
    - Filters for specific date ranges, regions, or platforms so that you can drill down to the data you want.
    - User comments in all original languages and in their English translation.

    To get started, go to simply provide your application’s name and select which app stores you want to analyze. You also have the option to provide direct URLs to your app in these stores.

    The final, comprehensive report may take just a few hours or as many as 24 hours — depending on the volume of data that needs to be gathered, analyzed, and translated. The resulting data is yours, free of charge.

    Your Moravia Team.


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