[Music/Sound] Jose Mora (Music Vortex)

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Music Vortex, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Music Vortex

    Music Vortex Member

    Aug 16, 2012
    the Netherlands
    Hello devs!

    My name is Jose, I'm an award winning composer living in the Netherlands. I divide my time between writing music for games and other media and writing concert music that gets played around the world.

    My recent projects include the upcoming games "Dimension Drive", "Nimbatus" and the fast paced hardcore platformer "Fenix Furia", among many others.

    Examples of my work and my recent projects can be found at my website: http://musicvortex.nl/projects.html

    You can also check my soundcloud for more music: https://soundcloud.com/music-vortex

    If you need music for your project you can PM me or send me an email.


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