Need gfx artist for existing project (Tangled)

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Rudy, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Rudy

    Rudy Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009

    I'm looking for for a 2D artist to revamp the graphics in my game (and bring it up to the iPad too). You can check out my game at . The "new" graphics you can see in my last post are nice but I don't think I'll release a version based on them, since I don't have a complete set. They were done for me by a publishing company but unfortunately they announced to me they are closing their doors (probably a good thing since it was really hard to get them to give me stuff quickly). So now my contract with them is void and I'm back to the point where I need someone for graphics :p

    Here's what I need:
    - Title screen
    - Menu screen
    - Dots and lines (for in game)
    - Background for in game
    - There's a new puzzle editor that has a toolbar (with 7 buttons, very simple (add/remove dot, add/remove line, next/prev and save))
    - Maybe some very minor UI elements

    As you can see it shouldn't take very long at all (for someone with the skills...I could spend months and still have nothing :p)

    I am looking for maybe 2 estimates, one with profit sharing and one without.

    Thank you for your time,

    Billy Lavoie

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