New Concepts

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by starcat, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. starcat

    starcat Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2010
    I have Several projects of various types i need work on.

    Games, marketing etc.

    i am looking for RELIABLE developers who want to not only make money, but who also want to create something that stands out. something unique, something no one has done or thought of doing before.

    working with me you will have access to quite a bit of resources such as incredible artists, a network of other developers and artists, musicians, a constant flow of concepts which we can make into apps and turn that into money as well as advertising for your projects.

    i say reliable because i just dont work with flakes. i respect people being busy, but if you arent able to focus and get a job done, then ultimately this isnt the right career path for you. i seek innovators.. people who see a vision. not someone who piggybacks on other peoples success.

    please contact me if you think you have what it takes :)
  2. RevolvingDoor

    RevolvingDoor Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    That sounds promising. Can you post some examples of previously completed work, please?

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