NuOxygen Looking for PR & Promotion

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Magic Dream Games, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Magic Dream Games

    Magic Dream Games Well-Known Member

    #1 Magic Dream Games, Jul 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
    NuOxygen is hiring gamers that can help promote games through forums , blogs, word of mouth , video podcast , podcast, reviews.
    Gamers that have a critical experience and want to test new games and post constructive replies to keep threads visible on the most influents gaming sites worldwide.
    Language specific sites are also included in the list.
    USA, UK, Germany,France, Russia,Italy,Japan,Australia.

    If interested contact
    [email protected]

    or replay
  2. Magic Dream Games

    Magic Dream Games Well-Known Member

    Jobs for NuOxygen

    As below.. looking for PR people.
  3. Olord

    Olord Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Some of your games look really good. Are you looking for a Professional or just anyone? Are there any requirements? (credited Pr experience, certain iDevices etc.) How much time would this job take, is it full-time or part-time?

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