[PAID DEV NEEDED] File Download from UIWebView app for Cydia (jailbroken devices)

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by AndrewBucklin, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. AndrewBucklin

    AndrewBucklin New Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Need a custom programmed iOS application for jailbroken devices. Application should have multiple tabs:

    1) First Tab: Web View controller to display a predefined URL with forward, back, home, and reload buttons.

    2) Second Tab: Another Web View controller to display a predefined URL that will list files available for download. When the user clicks the download button for a particular file, the application will download the file to a predefined destination on the device (outside of the application's sandbox; which is why this app will be for jailbroken devices only).

    3) Third Tab: List all files in the above predefined directory (outside of application sandbox) allowing user to swipe to delete each file or select multiple files to delete.

    4) Fourth Tab: Static view for displaying about information, credits, etc.

    Note: The web based portion of the project will be done in-house. The only thing you will be doing is creating the front-end application for the iOS device. Download buttons which will be displayed in the second tab can have anchors appended to the end of the URL to allow for testing of the link to see if it is a download... If you think of another method, we can implement that instead. For example:
    Note: Application should be programmed using documented iOS APIs whenever possible. Code should be commented thoroughly and in plan english (no programmer speak). Full source code, xCode files, Interface Builder, and other files should be provided. Should be compatible with iOS 4.x and if possible iOS 2.x and 3.x.

    Optional additional feature: USER AUTHENTICATION - allow for the ability to have some sort of user authentication; possibly passing user specified username and password to the webpage right before the download is initiated. Allow for guest / unauthenticated browsing. Username and password could be entered into a separate tab or on the about page and would be requested upon the first application launch.

    Application icon and tab icons can be placeholders, as those icons have already been obtained by us.

    PM ME WITH ESTIMATES / QUOTES and any questions

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