[PAID] [MUSIC] Light, non-intrusive background music for puzzle game

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by vlekkie, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. vlekkie

    vlekkie New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Senior Software Engineer
    Hello, I am looking for quotes and eventually a paid assignment to create some music for a puzzle game I am working on.

    I need a piece of music that can play in the background that is not to long, light, non-intrusive and is able to loop seamlessly whilst not being annoying.

    This music here Aerox Gameplay trailer is the direction I would like to pursue. I look forward to your comments/suggestions.
  2. Phi6

    Phi6 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2008

    Probably not what you want but I use a service called soundtaxi.net, they provide reasonably cheap royalty free music.

    They differ from all the other royalty free music sites out there as they have an excellent searching mechanism on the site and lots of different genres. I generally use "film scores" for my RPG/Strategy type games.
  3. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    I like it! E-mail sent.

    And you're right to be looking for custom music. Needle-drop will rarely give you the kind of atmosphere you're looking for, and you have no control over where else the music might be used.... royalty-free also means "rights free."
  4. If I'm not too late, I could take up work on this. I offer relatively cheap services for what I do, and I love what I do.
  5. spacecowgoesmoo

    spacecowgoesmoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2008
    Composer / Level Designer @ Bovinedragon Software
    Los Angeles, USA
  6. vlekkie

    vlekkie New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Senior Software Engineer
    I would like to thank everyone who has contacted me with regards to my request. I am currently busy working my way through peoples portfolios in the hope of being able to make my decision.

    Thank you for the wonderful response.
  7. spacecowgoesmoo

    spacecowgoesmoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2008
    Composer / Level Designer @ Bovinedragon Software
    Los Angeles, USA
    I just realized that the PM I sent you was accidentally titled 'Title' :p. Sorry about that, hope it didn't get buried or anything :).
  8. Synoptical

    Synoptical Well-Known Member

    Good choice of musical direction :D

    By the way actually, I received an email about a week ago from someone responding to a similar post of yours on indiegamer.com... I pointed out his error, hope he managed to find you in the end! :)

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