Part time community site manager / marketing guy

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Thomas Lund, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. Thomas Lund

    Thomas Lund Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2008
    IT consultant and game developer
    #1 Thomas Lund, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
    Will risk my neck posting this here. So lets see!


    We are looking for someone to join the team on a part time basis (1 hour a day in average with a initial startup project phase) to perform

    - set up CMS systems for the company and 1-2 game sites (Joomla based)
    - rework some of the templates used
    - write basic initial content together with us
    - help making a marketing strategy and plan

    - write new news / blogs on the sites
    - write twitter/facebook/external forum messages
    - be forum admin locally

    - proof read what we do
    - participate in game testing activities
    - write press release

    The games in question are primarily tactical games/strategy games, and having a flair for those would be preferable.

    Other traits we are looking for:
    native english speaking, open minded, humor, well formulated, enthusiastic about what we make

    We offer:
    - work from home
    - be part of a game developer team
    - reasonable pay (you wont get rich, but beats working at McD)

    Perfect job for a student wishing to make an extra buck on his hobby.

    Please send applications to info [at], and write why you think you are the perfect person for the job, some references if possible, prior work etc.

    Only apply if you are looking for work. Dont apply thinking you get to play games all day.

    Application deadline is "as soon as we find the right one". So dont hesitate.


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