Universal PIXEL PEOPLE Returning Soon - Beta Test

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Lambdamu, Apr 8, 2019.

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  1. JayTay

    JayTay Active Member

    Jan 25, 2013
  2. JayTay

    JayTay Active Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    And now one of the houses has vanished...
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Hey been a while, I’ve been playing fairly casually really and close to getting everything now I’m on 147 and fully staffed so far so nearly there.

    I had an issue where the game kept asking for my location even after I told it no repeatedly, I have no idea why it would ask in the first place as why would this game need my location? This happened after turning location services on for a gps based game.

    Also when I started being able to upgrade my buildings to produce for longer it wouldn’t let me do that until I rebooted the game before then it told me I still had to build the building that unlocks it.

    Thank you for adding the cloud save that’s pretty great to have it makes time spent on a game like this feel better as you won’t likely just lose all progress.

    I would like it if the gold rewards from tapping trees increased with your land level as my last land cost 67m to unlock so the 100 or 1000 gold seems extremely unrewarding for even bothering I only bother hoping it’s utopium of which I’m lucky to get 5 a day maybe.

    Finally I wish I could build decor without taking up land, I haven’t decorated anything yet as I wanted the land for buildings but maybe once I max everything out I can expand my land just to add decor in there. But with a game like this making a city you like the look of and personalising it are a huge part of the gameplay I believe but it would severely punish you to put off the construction of new buildings to place decor instead.
  4. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #64 ste86uk, Apr 26, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    27293434-24B2-4D70-B550-8FF219575C58.png Also how do have you all watched lots of video ads to skip timers? They often don’t work for me and don’t reduce the time at all. Sometimes it might once or twice if I’m lucky then they just do nothing.

    Edit: also I just purchased the enterprise upgrade for 100u to double production times on all buildings but when I go to buildings and stats the upgrade for 3u to extend their build time shows me the wrong time. For eg my circus says if I upgrade for 3u it’ll make the production time 2 hours instead of 1 but production time is already 2 hours after doing the enterprise upgrade. I just did the upgrade and it’s changed the production time to 4 hours but the next upgrade says it’ll extend it to 3 hours.
  5. Ayden

    Ayden New Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    So far the game seems to be running smoother than the old one did, and I’m overall super excited to just be playing it again anyways. Just some things I thought I’d point out and suggest:
    • A hold-to-scroll option would be very useful especially for people on iPhones who have bigger cities and less screen space. It would eliminate a lot of unnecessary movement of the fingers.
    • If I go to sleep, I wake up to a big mess of re-energizing my workers so they can get back to work one by one, so if there was a specific building that had a function or even a button that allowed me to do it all at once that’d be nice.
    • Frame-rate has been smooth all the way through, even in congested areas of buildings.
    • I’ve had a few crashes here and there but not that big of a deal, I can just click back on the game.
    • I noticed later in game I find myself repeating the same splices over and over again to fill my buildings with workers, and I’m always trying to search for them for sometimes up to a minute and a half, so if there was a way where when I needed to fill the space with a specific clone, I could press on the empty slot and it would bring me automatically to my cloning building and have the two clone set ready to be spliced (assuming I’ve done that specific splice before), that’d be significantly easier than looking for them.
    • There seems to be a lack of livelihood to the city, so if there were more people roaming about the streets, or even better yet when I wake up and I have to get everyone back to work, they have to drive from their houses to their job, that’d be really cool.
    • Trying to select specific buildings is a pain because it’s based on the grid, so if you changed it to the actual building itself (and have an option to look through buildings if I have one behind another so I can tap it), that’d be nice.
    • More variation in colors, different buildings, and types of paths would be cool and keep things fresh, but I’m assuming frequent updates like that will be made in the full version so I’m not worried.
    • The last thing is super weird. I experienced at about halfway through my gameplay all day (yes I played it all day and got to 150) that I suddenly out of nowhere received over 2M U. Idk if this happened to everyone because you wanted everyone to experience the full game before they missed out on specific things, but I haven’t seen anyone else comment on this so I thought I’d bring it up. This is why I was able to get to 150 in a day, and I still have well over 2M left over.

    Overall very addicting and just as fun as ever. A full release I feel would do really well with frequent updates, some minor UI changes and ease of access, as well as addressing the crashing. Keep it up!
  6. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer

    Hello mayor ste86uk, the asking for location is news to us, we're fairly certain there's no features in the game that would ask for your loaction so I'm not sure what's going on there. Might be helpful if it happens again and you can send us screenshots and we can follow up from there.

    We've recently discovered that the disappearing tiles - trees, houses, etc. and duplicate clones might be related so this is one bug at the top of our list to fix - thank you for your report!

    It sounds like there's also some bugs going on with building upgrades too we'll look into it. Thanks for the thoughtful suggestions too!
  7. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Yup, the Business Center now comes with a one-click-to-start button! It costs 1u to use, but production times are also 2x when you use the button.
  8. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    I logged in this morning and my mine, animal shelter, and trees all say 1d 3h 13m, meaning that it now resets at noon instead of midnight, and somehow today's reset is canceled? Seems weird.
  9. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Yeah, there was a bug with the timer. It should be fixed - it shouldn't have been more than 24h (might have to wait till the next day though) with the recent new update. Anyway, the new reset time is now noon.
  10. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Hello Mayors,

    We have just released a new version on TestFlight. Prospective mayors looking to join us are most welcome! We have looked into most issues you've reported and fixed where we can, and thank you for your continued support and assistance.

    1. We implemented a log which would record certain player actions - this would help us track down certain bugs particularly related to missing buildings, decor, trees and/or duplicate clones. If you encounter these issues after updating, please contact us and send us the log and save data [You can extract them via iTunes]

    2. iCloud saving is improved - it now auto saves when you leave the game

    3. The Enterprise upgrade works as intended - however the text unfortunately doesn't update to reflect the correct doubled working time.

    Please continue to let us know if you encounter any issues. Thank you!
  11. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Yup, despite the timer bug my city rest at noon, so it was just a display bug.
  12. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Has how trees generate green stars changed? I have 32 trees now and have yet to see more than one green star at a time. In the old version I often had multiple green stars at once - is that possible in the new build?
  13. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    The Fortune Teller seems not to be updated for this build. Right now mine says "Herald + = "
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I didn’t get any extra U at all so I take it you getting 2 million is a bug?

    Since the update my game is loading slower it use to open instantly once I clicked continue or opened the app but now it has a delay or a few seconds.

    Also has the production chance of U from trees been changed? For two days now I’ve earnt 0 U from trees.
  15. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Along with the delay in opening the game now which sometimes can probably take 5-10 seconds when it use to be instant it now keeps showing a red x on the iCloud save when I get into the game when previously it use to come up green which I guess was uploading my save and now it’s failing to do so?
  16. JayTay

    JayTay Active Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    I’m also having huge issues with slow opening (it takes about 30 seconds to open now!) and really sluggish gameplay e.g. tapping on buildings to restart them lags like crazy
  17. Ivan@LambdaMu

    Ivan@LambdaMu Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    We just submitted v1.50 that hopefully solves the issue once and for all.

    The problem was that we created a game event logger to find the issues that people were having with missing clones, duplicate clones, missing buildings etc. The logger worked, and we manage to resolve a lot of these bugs.

    BUT, the logger was overkill. Over long enough play times, it generated huge log files and that was the cause of the long load times.

    Let us know if Testflight v1.50 solves the problem! Its currently waiting for review and will be out in maybe 1 or 2 days.
  18. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #78 ste86uk, May 11, 2019
    Last edited: May 11, 2019
    9F49EC29-2F16-473A-A220-68E0B8986FEB.png I’ve just downloaded the update and the game is definitely loading much faster now and the iCloud seems to also be working uploading itself now. I’m also getting some U again from the trees.

    I’ve encountered one issue though I’ve collected a few hearts from houses but had one pop up on a house that’s still there but I can’t find it at all. I’ve clicked all over in the area and none of the houses have a heart there but the symbol is still over the house.

    Edit: Force closing the app and opening again cleared the heart but without doing that it just remained and couldn’t find it at all in any of the houses by it.
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I haven’t had the error with the heart on the houses since my post until today, seems like it’s only happening with the rocky mansions.
  20. Ivan@LambdaMu

    Ivan@LambdaMu Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Yup! We've just deployed a fix for this.

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