Universal Postknight - A pocket-sized delivery adventure by Kurechii

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by kurechii, Nov 28, 2016.

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  1. kurechii

    kurechii Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    #1 kurechii, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    Hello there!

    We’re Kurechii, the team behind games like Tiny Guardians and the King’s League series.
    For the past year, we’ve been working on our upcoming game called Postknight.

    Postknight’s open beta has just begun, and we would like to invite you to try it out! :D


    What’s Postknight?
    Official Website
    Game Trailer
    Postknight's Facebook Page

    Postknight reimagines the best parts of role-playing games into bite-sized bits within an exciting delivery adventure.

    The story follows the adventures of a postknight — a knight who is tasked with difficult or dangerous deliveries — in the grand kingdom of Kurestal. Through deliveries, the postknight will meet other characters with different backgrounds while venturing across the kingdom of Kurestal and beyond.

    Designed to be an RPG for those on-the-go, Postknight is optimized for mobile devices: from content to controls, for hardcore and casual players, to time spent in and out of the game. Instead of spending long hours to experience the highlights of an RPG adventure, Postknight delivers it in small yet exciting pieces.

    Play when you can, and let your postknight grow when you are not!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Postknight’s Highlights
    • Adorn Your Rewards
    Your hard-earned armour and weapons don’t just improve your battle stats, they also look great on the postknight. Be great and glamorous in battle!

    • Brilliant Blends
    Mix your trusty potion up the way you want it to be: higher healing power, lower cooldown, or with more effective buffs?

    • Better, Faster, Stronger
    Deliveries increase the postknight’s experience and various traits. Grow your postknight in a way that matters to you the most.

    • Select Strategic Skills
    The gear you collect grants you a variety of skills and perks to choose from. Pick the ones that best suit your battle strategies!

    • Exciting Expedition
    Embark on a light-hearted adventure to interesting towns and grand cities. Meet their diverse inhabitants and collect fantastic gear while you’re at it!

    • Bite-sized But Breathtaking
    Postknight promises no draggy battles, but ensure that they will be equally exciting - especially when it comes to boss battles!

    • Damsels & Destiny
    Throughout a postknight’s journey, there will be new faces that will become lasting relationships. Of course, every relationship needs effort: be it in the form of gifts, special dates, or just a friendly visit every day.

    • Time Waits For No One, But…
    Time continues to tick for the postknight even when you are not playing: deliveries will be sent out and rewards will await you when you return!

    Girls you have ties with will wonder where you have gone too, so dropping by for a visit every now and then will keep their hearts at ease.

    Play Postknight!
    Android players, please head over here to acess the game.
    iOS players, please submit your details here so we can send you invites on TestFlight.

    Feedback & Bug Reports
    If you have played and would like to give us feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Please do so here.

    If you'd like to report bugs, please do so here.

    We might miss out on your comments since there are a lot of channels we are keeping track of, so the forms are a definite way for us to read your feedback! But of course, we will also be going through all your comments over here :)

    Postknight is set to be released on 9 February 2017!
    Do mark your calendars :)
    The team is still working hard to improve the game.


    [ ANDROID ]
    Upon the game’s release, you will be given the option to RESET or KEEP your progress.

    We strongly encourage you to reset it, as many improvements and new features have been added to the early parts of the game that you might have already passed.

    Of course, we understand that your progress is important to you and will compensate you with gems according to your character’s level and collected resources as per the list below:
    1. All the gems that you have earned and purchased will be retained.
    2. Additional gems will be rewarded if you have:
    - completed Pompon: 100 gems
    - completed Shello Bay: 150 gems
    - completed Griffondell: 200 gems
    3. Reaching the current maximum level (50): 100 gems
    4. If you are ranked B and above: 50 gems
    5. Each fully upgraded armour set will also grant you 50 gems.

    Example: if you have completed up to Griffondell with 6 fully upgraded armour sets, you will be receiving a bonus 750 gems on top of the ones you have earned and purchased.

    To receive these rewards, please remember to KEEP YOUR SAVED FILE instead of deleting it.
    If you choose to keep your progress, you may do so. But please be warned that there may be errors that are brought over from the beta because of this.

    [ IOS ]
    Upon the game’s release, your progress will be reset as Testflight does not allow us to keep your progress. A fixed amount of 500 gems will be rewarded to you.

    We understand that your progress is precious to you, hence our efforts to reward you for what you have achieved in Postknight so far. It may not please everyone, but we ask for your understanding as our choices are made in hopes to provide the best possible gaming experience to all of you.

    We understand that your progress is precious to you, hence our efforts to reward you for what you have achieved in Postknight so far. It may not please everyone, but we ask for your understanding as our choices are made in hopes to provide the best possible gaming experience to all of you.

    [ 4 FEBRUARY 2017 - Special Valentine's Event ]
    Flowers will soon be in full bloom in Pompon!
    The Blossom Festival has already begun and will last until 19 February 2017.

    To celebrate, the travelling merchant Leila has brought some beautiful gifts with her to town. Exchange event tokens and coins for beautiful bouquets that might lead you to some special memories!

    Event tokens can be found in chests and from enemies.

    Enjoy the Blossom Festival, postknights!

    Attached Files:

  2. GamerLover

    GamerLover Member

    Nov 28, 2016
    The graphics really look cool!

    When can we expect the release?
  3. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Cool! Looks great.
  4. Sanderok

    Sanderok Member

    Oct 2, 2016
    Wanna test it:)
  5. panfried

    panfried Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    Just submitted my application to beta test it, this game look funny and cute.
  6. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Loved their other game. I'll bete test. Where do I submit?
  7. kurechii

    kurechii Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    Thank you! We are aiming to release it early next year, after tying up the loose ends from the early access feedback :D

    Thank you :D

    Please do, the links are included in the post under "Play Postknight" :)

    Thanks! We have sent out a new batch of invites already!

    It's included in the post, under "Play Postknight".
    If you're on Android, head over here. For iOS, please go here.
  8. turakm

    turakm Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Filled out the form!
  9. kurechii

    kurechii Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    An invite should have been sent your way :)
    In case you haven't received it, do let me know!
  10. rezn

    rezn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Mar 8, 2014
    Coder/Keyer in medical ICD 10
    Reno, NV
    I adore Tiny Guardians. We're already playing this on Android and iOS moments after reading the post. Yay!
  11. kurechii

    kurechii Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    Wow, on 2 platforms?! Thanks!
    Hope you're enjoying your deliveries :D
  12. TheIronBeagle

    TheIronBeagle Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
    Hardcore gamer
    Gravity Falls
    Looks like an awesome game. I loved Guardians and King's League, and I can't wait for this one to be released. Signed up!
  13. kurechii

    kurechii Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    Thanks for showing some love for Postknight too :D We just sent out a new batch of invites!
    Let me know in case you have yet to get one.
  14. Enker

    Enker Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    I've signed up! I'm also interested in doing an interview with the devs for RPG website 'my boxed universe' but will contact independently for this.
  15. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    I signed up for the iOS beta :) this is just the kind of on the go RPG a busy gal like me loves
  16. flaviuscons

    flaviuscons New Member

    Oct 21, 2016
    Looks really good!!!

    From the pictures is looks like a really fun game. Nice graphics and as far as I can tell from the pictures interesting gameplay.

    Signed up for beta. Hope to get a links soon :)
  17. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    This looks wonderful! Good luck!
  18. panfried

    panfried Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    I really like the game so far, simple mechanics that you can pick up and play at any time.
    Missions are quick and there are no timers to be seen, thank you!
    Even if you die you get to keep the items and EXP you have earned so far which is great.

    Three suggestions so far:
    1. I would have liked to be able to pick what my character looks like, but maybe this is already planned for in the future.
    2. It is almost impossible to see the experience bar behind the level number. I know you can press it to give you your percent gained so far but I can see there is a very dimly shaded bar behind it. Maybe choose a different color to make it more visible without covering your level up.
    3. I would have liked to see a world map of some kind instead of just hitting the GO button to take me to the next level.

    As I said before, loving it so far! I will continue to update with my suggestions and impressions as I play more.
  19. Meeseeks

    Meeseeks Member

    Jul 25, 2016
    Looks great. Signed up to test.
  20. kurechii

    kurechii Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Indie Game Developer
    Thanks! Just drop us a message here or on our social media :)

    Thank you! We've been working on it for a long time, and still working to improving it through beta feedback for its release.

    Hi panfried, thanks for your feedback!
    We have also considered some of the things you've mentioned, I'll be adding it to our masterlist and discussing with the team to see what we can do to improve your Postknight experience :)

    Thank you for signing up!
    We are sending out invites by batches, so if you have let to receive any Testflight invites in the next 2 days, just let me know so I can look into it :D

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