Many thanks to all those who have participated in the beta test! We have received a lot of helpful feedback from it and have already made some improvements since then, which will make it into the final release or updates soon after. It has also been heartwarming to read all the positive comments about the game! We have an announcement regarding the release coming up next week, so stay tuned! (This is why we haven’t had the time to respond to all your feedback individually yet.) PS. Good job on those Master of Valor's!
I still need to boot it up and try the last boss again. I got whooped last time. And there’s 1 area in the entire game I haven’t gotten 100% and the worst part is I looked very very hard for this last 2 things which I am sure are together lol but I ran the room 10 or so times lookin for it and had zero luck Edit: POW!
It’s coming. Forgot the link. Grimvalor di Direlight New trailer.
Yes, indeed! Grimvalor is now available for pre-order on the App Store, and will be released on October 10. Just a few weeks away! It's very exciting to get to release something you've worked on for so long. Here's a link to the US App Store: Thanks for all the positive comments and of course beta testing. We got way more test requests than we could handle. Thanks for applying, even if you didn't get selected! Today has been really hectic, but fun.
Thanks for your question, both iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 will be able to run Grimvalor at a decent fps. You will most likely have to play with lower graphic settings though. Apple TV? Not currently, and there are some technical and design challenges to resolve also. We'll look into it of course.
One great thing about iOS games is moments like this, the anticpation for the game ! Its coming this week so its not long to wait now. This is one of those games i am excited for ! Swordigo was an absolute classic and this looks brilliant