Universal [Pre-Order, soon] - Hero's Quest (Formerly Copper Top: Greed)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by bungle_tez, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    #1 bungle_tez, Oct 1, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    Hello community,

    I want to introduce you to my latest project. Hero's Quest is a 2D platform game with lots of action. I am hoping for a cute like Mario but tough like <insert any really hard game here>.

    If you enjoy jumping on walls, discovering secrets, stomping enemies and collecting gold, Hero's Quest may just be your game!

    Thanks for reading

  2. J05H

    J05H Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
    Looks good, need any beta testers?
  3. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Thanks J05H, and yep as soon as I have closed out the last few bugs I will be begging for beta testers:)
    J05H likes this.
  4. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Hi community,

    Hope we are all well.

    It's almost time for me to come around with my begging bowl and ask you would be interested testing this bad boy.:D

    Testing is likely to commence in 2 weeks time, I am just finishing off the next few map segments.

    If you're interested in testing please reply to this thread and as soon as it's ready I'll let you all know.

    Here is the world map, the area names are WIP so please don't judge me, yet...;)

    Just a few screenies
    Greed Small Clips Forest 1.jpg Gree Small Clips Woods 2.jpg Greed Small Clips Wioods 1.jpg Greed Small Clips Dungeon 3.jpg Greed Small Clips Dungeon 2.jpg

    Thanks enough from me,

    Have great weekend!

    Attached Files:

    J05H likes this.
  5. slack8182

    slack8182 Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2017
    Your game looks awesome. Would love to beta test and help any way I can. My Apple ID is [email protected].

    Thanks and good luck
  6. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Hi community,

    Apologies form me for not being too active lately, been busy squishing bugs and tweaking levels etc...

    If you would like to beta test Copper Top: Greed. Please, please, please let me know.. just post your details in this thread and I will add you to the test flight list.

    The beta build will be available Friday (probably in the afternoon).
    J05H likes this.
  7. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Just a quick update... I have setup the beta as an open beta with 10 IOS slots available.

    The build has been submitted to test flight, I am just waiting on Apple's beta review approval and then I will post the public beta link

    Thanks in advance and happy testing :) (eventually)
    J05H likes this.
  8. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Added! and thanks
  9. J05H

    J05H Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
  10. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    J05H likes this.
  11. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    J05H likes this.
  12. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Dear Beta Testers,

    Firstly, thanks to everyone who took the time to download the beta.

    If you have any feedback, please let me know, I am working on ironing out a few bugs but would be very keen to hear anything about the gameplay, level design or difficulty.


  13. J05H

    J05H Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
    Unable to play it on my iPad Mini 2. The game keeps closing by itself every time I attempt to open it.
  14. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Hi J05H,

    I am really sorry the game isn't working on your iPad Mini2. I will look into this ASAP (I have an iPad Mini 1st Gen). The lowest device I have tested on is an iPhone 5.

    I will get this working ASAP and let you know once I have submitted the new build; once again please accept my apologies.

  15. J05H

    J05H Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
    Not a problem, just thought I'd let you know. It looks like a great game!
  16. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Hi community,

    So finally some good news :) I have corrected the game to ensure it works on an iPad AIR (1st Gen) so J05H you should have no problems in running it on your AIR now :)

    I had made several other improvements based on feedback from this awesome community, here are some of the highlights:
    1. Increased the hit boxes on the buttons so it should be that little bit easies to control the character
    2. Implemented a hidden virtual joystick (2nd control option), kinda like Oddmar so you can play the game without visible buttons (the joystick is active anywhere on the left side of the screen, the jump button is anywhere on the right side of the screen)
    3. Increased the jump button hit box to cover the entire right hand side of the screen
    4. A few minor level tweaks, just a little balancing
    5. I have enabled "The Tower"
    6. SoundFX and background music can now be independently controlled via sliders on the options menu

    and there is a bunch more stuff.

    I am just waiting on the latest build to be processed by Apple and then I'll release it on testflight (build number 0.94).

    All 10 existing beta testing slots have been taken (thanks), I have enabled a further 5 slots so if you didn't get a slot hopefully now you will, if you miss out please just DM me and I will get you added STAT!

    There are still items I am working on such as a stronger character (I think I have got one, it's not in this build as I am still testing/tweaking to make sure I am happy with it)
    There is a minor issue on text rendering on my iPad AIR 1st gen, so I am looking into that but thanksfully it doesn't affect gameplay

    Once again thanks for all the excellent feedback, you peeps rock!

    J05H likes this.
  17. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Yes:D:D, Apple have finally approved my latest Beat build for testing (v0.95) and to celebrate heres a little video of some of the fun in store...


    The video is using the new dynamic virtual joystick :D no more need for those pesky virtual buttons, but they are still there as a controller option is you prefer them.

    Once again thanks to this awesome community for all the feedback, gold!

    There is another build in the works, some of the feedback I received didn't make it to this build but suffice to say the next build will include mid-level checkpoints to hopefully make some of the trickier levels a little easier to overcome and hopefully perhaps appeal to an audience which isn't in the category of platforming gods.

    Have a great day everyone.
  18. Simoqsa

    Simoqsa Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
    Will there be mfi support?
  19. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Hi Simoqsa,

    Yep:), I have just ordered my Gamevice Controller for "testing" purposes.

    I will test (and tweak) as needed over the weekend and hopefully have an MFI enabled build out early next week.

    I have spent bloody ages getting the controls just right for the touchscreen so an mfi controller isn't needed:D but will surely help!

    All the best,

    Simoqsa likes this.
  20. bungle_tez

    bungle_tez Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Hi community,

    You asked, I attempted to deliver :)

    MFI support is now a thing:), it's my first go at implementing MFI so any/all feedback about how it handles would be greatly appreciated.
    I have limited the MFI to the game only so all menus need to be touch navigated, is there a need to navigate menu's via the MFI controller?

    To support the MFI controller giving special attention to the games need for proportional jumping i.e the longer you hold the higher/longer you jump; I for the life of me couldn't get this done using my controller and I have therefore implemented 2 separate jump buttons.
    The A button jumps at the normal height
    The B button jumps at a reduce height.

    You should be able to complete most of the game using either button but at times it will be necessary to use a combination of both.

    In this new release (v0.100/0.101) we have:
    1. A few new levels in "The Tower"
    2. Animation improvements
    3. MFI controller support
    4. Minor level adjustments
    5. Improved one of the "surprises" (sorry no spoilers)
    6. Reduced the difficulty at the beginning of the Dark Forest
    7. World statistics, for gold collected, time taken and lives lost
    8. Player Grind reduction - If you die on the game obstacle 5 times you will be presented with a dialogue which will allow you to disable the trap, leave the trap as is or never be prompted again for the remainder of the game. Disabled traps are not currently being save and are only active for your session.
    View attachment 124447

    Things I am pondering/working on/testing
    Grind reduction
    - As this is a stern test at time of your platforming and "puzzle" solving skills it's feasible that at some point you will reach a level in which your continuous death is inevitable; to combat this I have been asked about introducing additional checkpoints, as each level is a single screen challenge and depending upon which side of the screen you enter the level should you die you will automatically be placed where you entered the screen I am considering adding in additional checkpoints within levels but they will only become activated after you have died the appropriate number of times, checkpoints are not automatic so you will need to elect to invoke the checkpoint with an option of never being asked for a checkpoint again.

    Main character - Still need's work and improvement
    World Map animation - Need to be more interactive and pretty
    Menu navigation animations
    Achievements - I am still implementing these circa 27
    Leaderboards - Yep, they will be there... eventually
    In game dialogues need some prettying up

    3rd touch screen control option: This is inspired by the MFI 2 button I had to implement, currently you only have 1 jump button with the jump being proportional to the time the button is pressed however this may not suit everyone's playing style so I have testing out having 2 jump buttons (see above) to determine if it works with big fingers.

    If there is anything else anyone would like, just let me know I have tried to incorporate as much if the feedback as possible and I appreciate your time.

    For the current quantity/quality of game should this be:
    1. Premium either $0.99 or $1.99
    2. F2P with AD's after X deaths? with the option of going Premium?
    3. Free with the entire first world playable and once you have completed the first world you get to chose one of the above i.e. continue with ADS or Premium?

    And finally.... I have completed (not 100%'d) the game with the MFI controller... here are my stats "purely for comparison purposes"
    Best Run MFI.png Greed MFI End of Game.png

    Thanks for reading!

    J05H likes this.

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