Universal [Pre-order] World of Minesweeper (by Team Cogoo)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by treeplanter, Nov 30, 2018.

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  1. treeplanter

    treeplanter Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Indie Game Dev
    Seoul, Korea
    #1 treeplanter, Nov 30, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
    We have added new features where players can decorate their world map.

    Howdy all,

    We are small indie studio from Seoul, Korea. We just opened our pre-order of our new game World of Minesweeper. World of Minesweeper is a classic, throwback PC game with a World Map twist. Inspired by the original Minesweeper game written for many computing platforms since the 1960s.

    Hope you enjoy playing your country!

    Pre-order link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/world-of-minesweeper/id1435138884

    Please let us know what you think!

    [Youtube Demo/Beta]


    [HELP] Please help us by leaving a comment on what we should call the game in your country?

    English: World of Minesweeper
    Spanish: El Mundo de Buscaminas
    Korean: 월드 오브 지뢰찾기
    Japanese: ワールド・オブ・マインスイーパ・ジャパン
    Simplified Chinese: 扫雷世界
    Traditional Chinese: 掃雷世界
    German: Welt der Minensuchboot

    Need help on Dutch, Russian, Italian, French,Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.

    Team Cogoo has created World of Minesweeper as a small and humble campaign to help promote 2025 Completion Challenge and to raise awareness in our community. Whether you have 10 minutes, one hour, or plenty of time, you can help build a world free of land mines and promote the rights of landmine victims too!

    The use of land mine is controversial because of their potential as indiscriminate weapons. They can remain dangerous many years after a conflict has ended, harming civilians and the economy. 78 countries are contaminated with land mines and 15000+ people are killed every year. Approximately 80% of land mine casualties are civilian, with children as the most affected age group. Most Killings occur in times of peace.

    If you like addictive old classic games such as classic chess, checkers, backgammon, solitaire, freecell as well as classic puzzle games like sudoku and classic crossword puzzles then this minesweeper game is for you! Beware. This game is very addictive. It’s a free brain teaser.
  2. mwryu

    mwryu Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Game Concept Developer
    Hey, really looking forward to this iconic game, and I get to conquer the world. I am also referring this to my frenemies, so I will be able to shred their productivity.
  3. treeplanter

    treeplanter Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Indie Game Dev
    Seoul, Korea
    Thank you so much @mwryu Looking forward to launch really soon.

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