Use that $100 to get a GameSalad license. Sure it's the easy way out, but it provides a better chance of creating a quality product than getting someone to do a solid amount of work for a Benjamin.
the best chance would probly be if a student did it as a first project, as mentioned, or some coder did if for fun as a extra project i mean, if i wanted to give a try on RPG-style animu game or something, and some guy show up with the graphics and sounds and ask me to give it a try, well i might actually give it a try, so its not a impossible project the last few years my salary has been around 70 000 usd a year, and that's not including the extras such as insurances, a nice office, computers, software licenses, bonuses and so on software developing gets expensive quickly however, as also mentioned in the thread, the work safety is not always the best for us developers since projects appear and dissapear without warning