Programmer Needed

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Supercharged, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Supercharged

    Supercharged New Member

    Apr 4, 2011
    Construction Site Manager, Business Owner
    Los Angeles County
    Hey all. I know I don't have the experience of posting as often as other on this forum, but I have been looking for a place to socialize with SDK users and iPhone devs. I read that this topic was opened for people like myself to meet others who love creating.

    I have 3 projects, all fairly simple. These are paid jobs and can be completed fairly quickly for flat rates. The main focuses are on generating and saving scores, physics, tetris-style and a score keeper.

    Since we are licensed in California, all work would need to be done on a contractual basis. If any administrators would like to contact me regarding DUNS information to verify any information, please don't hesitate.

    Hope there are people here who would be interested! Feel free to contact me here, PM or, preferably, [email protected]

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