Badass Inc. - Cyberpunk. Point & click. Contract killer. Building on 2nd place in the 32nd Ludum Dare and made with nostalgic 30 somethings in mind, Badass Inc. is a point and click action game that will take you back. Youre a contract killer; a sleek, stylish, feline predator that trades in scalps and briefcases full of cash. Your mission: eliminate a target for Ludum-Tek in an unconventional way. Packing pixelart and a brooding soundtrack, Badass plunges you into a city wracked with desperation. Revel in the apathy of the protagonist as you work through situational puzzles, interspersed with cinematic action scenes and tense shootouts. Its an in and out job, take out the target and get paid, right? Play it This is a prototype and this is why: Our hope for this game is that we can "test the water" if you will with our community, to see if people are interested in this kind of game. If we get a good response then we'll get cracking on a full blown version with all the bells and whistles. At the moment the game is a very limited prototype that we're using to test the concept. So we'd be really grateful if you could share the game on your facebooks/twitters/carrier pigeon networks/google stone thingy etc and spread the word. In the event that you don't like it, well you'll still have this little version to play for free for ever. Where can I get me a copy of that wicked soundtrack!? Volkor X provided the music as a favour to deepnight, so if you like it head over to his site here: and support another great independent artist!
This has a really unique art style, even within the realm of pixel art. The scanlines are done in an interesting manner.
Thanks. That's sort of the signature of Seb the guy who made the game. You can see mor of his stuff here: