Universal QuickByte Games looking for testers for its unreleased titles

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by QuickByteGames, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. QuickByteGames

    QuickByteGames Active Member

    Dec 22, 2016
    You probably have not heard of QuickByte Games yet, because we haven't publicly announced the company or who we are! But we recently launched our first game Chezz that was featured in stores worldwide.
    App Store
    Google Play

    We are a studio of AAA developers with one goal in mind: Make awesome simplistic games in a few months that are enjoyable for all gamers.

    We are already working on our second game and we need your opinion on how to make it better. Signing up will give you an early access to the prototypes, weeks before they become available to the general public.

    The process is super simple, just send us an email at [email protected] with the headline: QuickByte Games Exclusive Beta Program.

    In the email, also include your basic information like name, age (you need to be al least 13) and platform (iOS or Android) and we’ll get back to you rapidly so you can get started.

    Sign up now!

    - The QuickByte Games team

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