Universal Rad Trails - A colorful multiplayer motocross game [BETA]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by danielgronlund, Mar 23, 2018.

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  1. danielgronlund

    Mar 23, 2018
    Rad Trails is a game that I started developing a while back.

    I'm want to recruit some beta testers as I'm trying to figure out how to proceed with the development. My hope is to get a better idea of what I need to focus on to make this game more fun and engaging.

    There is so much stuff I want to do for this game. Right now, though, it's pretty basic feature wise, you can race against other players and submit scores to the leaderboard. There is limited interaction with other players through team creation and reactions when finishing a game.

    Anyway, I think the sceenshots will give you a better idea of what the game is about.

    Please PM me or sign up at http://radtrails.com/beta if you would like to participate in the TestFlight beta.

    General features
    • - Currently 9 levels
    • - Global, personal, and team leaderboards for individual levels
    • - Simple team creation
    • - Race against other submitted races
    • - Playable off-line
    • - Fast paced game play and quick to restart races




  2. danielgronlund

    Mar 23, 2018
    Third beta build available

    Sign up for the Rad Trails TestFlight beta:


    Added some general updates to the game. The focus for this update was fixing the level unlocking and general progression of the game as the user feedback indicated that it was difficult to understand the previous flow.

    Any way here is the summary of the changes:

    - Added new leveling system, that will let you unlock levels as you progress.
    - Added a level indicator to the map view so you can easily view your current progress.
    - Added bananas as a measurement of how bananas a race is.
    - Added a next level button when finishing a race.
    - Fixed some stability issues.

    New level progression when finishing a race:

    Progress on the map
  3. EpicSkater

    EpicSkater Active Member

    Apr 9, 2018
    Looks really nice. Love the color scheme.
  4. EpicSkater

    EpicSkater Active Member

    Apr 9, 2018
    Signed up and played. It runs on my iPod 5th gen so that's pretty awesome. Had fun, looking nice.
  5. danielgronlund

    Mar 23, 2018
    That's great to hear. How was the frame rate? Performance was terrible in early versions of the game, so maybe my optimisations has been successful. Honestly I haven't tested extensively on slower devices.

    Thank you for trying out the game I really appreciate it! :)
  6. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    So I’ve had chance for a quick go.

    Firstly, I like the style. Neon, minimalist, exactly as it first appears.
    The feel of the rider is good; rotation speed feels right and the controls are the right side of just sensitive enough.

    I wonder what purpose the up and down weight distribution does for you. Shifting forwards and backwards obviously gets you rotating but I couldn’t see the effect of standing and crouching.

    Another point to consider is that when you get big air the trail drops off the bottom of the screen. It’s hard to tell when you’re going to land as you have no sense of whether you are going up or down as the background is blank.
    Perhaps you could consider having a background pattern to give a sense of movement. A stylised cityscape or a star field. If you wanted to keep the minimalist aesthetic maybe you could zoom out when airborne to keep the trail on screen.

    Best wishes for the development; I’ll have a longer go when I get the chance.
  7. danielgronlund

    Mar 23, 2018
    Thank you that's good to hear, it's always difficult to tell how it's preceived by others when spending so much time staring at it!

    The up and down weight distribution has some, although minimal effect on the bikes movement, It's difficult for me to justify it's existence. I tell myself that it's their because advanced players will feel like they have an advantage if they have full control of the weight distribution of the character, as theoretically it could affect the outcome of a race.

    But really it's a lot because the joystick animation effect looks better in a 2d space rather than just 1 dimensional movement.

    When I play I also feel that it's almost as a placebo effect; Using the up and down movement flow with jumps and landings I feel that I did everything I could to affect the outcome of the race.

    Thanks, this is really is something that I personally won't notice because I've just been playing too much. I'll consider adding a star field, clouds, or soothing small to help with the issue. Might just be enough to ad a neon trail to the player, not sure how good that would look though.

    Thanks for playing!
  8. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    If the weight distribution has any effect at all then I’d say it’s earned it’s place. It looks cool too.

    In terms of the sense of air movement issue, I hadn’t thought of a trail. I’d try that first to see how it looks; it’s a better idea than either of mine I’d say.
  9. danielgronlund

    Mar 23, 2018
    Wanted to share the latest development progress of Rad Trails. I wrote a quick post about it so I'm not cluttering the thread with more heavy gifs.


    I think it's slowly progressing into an MVP for App Store! :D
    Thanks to everyone who provided beta testing feedback and tried the game. I'd be happy to send an invite to anyone else who want's to try it out.

  10. Robert denis

    Robert denis Active Member

    Jun 21, 2018
    Great stuff, love game devlogs!
  11. danielgronlund

    Mar 23, 2018
    Thank you! I'll try to post more. I find it difficult to prioritise and find the time to write posts. So it's good to hear that there is an interest for that sort of thing.

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