Android Rage of Blades - PvP Arena (by Red Yatagan)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Red Yatagan, Jun 22, 2023.

  1. Red Yatagan

    Red Yatagan New Member

    Jun 7, 2023
    Glad to see you, warriors!
    A new stunning real-time PvP action is already live on Google Play US!
    Rage of Blades - PvP Arena is a brutal and unforgiving online PvP action/fighting game that brings players to the heart of medieval combat. From the blood-soaked battlefields of Northern Arenas to the sun-baked Arenas of South, warriors from across the globe have come together to test their mettle in one-on-one duels that will leave only the strongest standing.
    Download Rage of Blades on Google Play


    Choose your fighter from a cast of legendary warriors including Vikings, Knights, Assassins and more. Each warrior brings their own unique style and skills to the fray, challenging you to master new strategies and techniques as you fight your way to the top.


    With intuitive controls and stunning graphics, Rage of Blades delivers an immersive real-time fighting experience like no other. So sharpen your sword or axe or spear, tighten your armor, and prepare for battle - because in this arena, there can be only one champion!


    Download Rage of Blades on Google Play

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