Universal Raider Rush (Formerly Adventure Roller Skates) - Coming Sept 3rd!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by willy.c, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    #41 willy.c, Aug 20, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
    Just PM me again if you've asked to join earlier, but still haven't received your invite. It seems I've lost track of some of the PM's I've got. :(

    Thanks! Do the controls feel solid? Any ridiculously difficult spots?

    1. I'll probably take the app live in September, so there's a limit to what I can do for the initial release version.
    2. Using the spider webs as an aid to slow you down sounds like a nice touch!
    3. Yeah I'll try to take a couple seconds off the intro, see if I can get it to 15 seconds.
    4. The in-game tunes or the menu/intro tunes?
  2. Unlockabear

    Unlockabear Active Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Just finished both chapters. It was a blast! I still have fun in endless mode.

    Does anyone think the music in endless mode is similar to the music from Pokemon?

    A quick suggestion I have is to break out the timed story run for chapter 1 and 2. It's quite a lot of levels and I got discouraged from finishing the entire thing, even though I'm pretty good at it. I'd like to see two versions, one broken out and another with the entirety of chapter 1/2.

    Looking forward to the release!
  3. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    Can you send a youtube video with that similar pokemon track? I'll replace it if it's too similar.

    Yeah I might break the speed run mode into smaller chunks in a later release.
  4. Unlockabear

    Unlockabear Active Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    It's nothing I can directly find, at least not in the hours on Pokemon music to look through. Listening to the music just has a very nostalgic feel of 90s games that just happen to remind me of Pokemon.

    Nothing bad! I think the music is great! I wouldn't make any changes here except maybe add more awesome music =P
  5. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    Ah ok nice! As long as it's not a pokemon remix or something, it's cool!
    Yeah that artist has some nice stuff!
  6. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    Raider Rush (previously named Adventure Roller Skates) will be released next Thursday, September 3rd.

    Here are some promo codes:

    I'll release some more up to release day
    More info over at my site
  7. smes3817

    smes3817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Massachusetts, USA
    Wow, all codes redeemed and no one said thanks for this amazing game...
  8. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

  9. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Fortunate to nab a code, so here are some imps.

    This game has potential.

    Visuals wise this game looks great. It may use a better death animation, but everything else looks great.

    The controls arent very intuitive, but works decently once it clicks. Too much precision is needed that getting used to the 2-button control system is a bit difficult.

    It needs a "tap anywhere to restart" due to its brutal nature. Players should have access to instantly restart after a failed attempt.

    Additionally, it jeeds a restart button accessible in-game. This is important when trying to get the token in each stage. If i miss it, players wont want to tap pause first then choose restart. Players would also hate waiting for the lava to force a restart.

    Ads popping up while playing endless mode is downright annoying. Sure the full unlock IAP gets rid of the ads, but if you want to release a freemium title make it so the ads dont popup while you play.

    Im really liking the level designs, but restarting a stage felt like a chore considering the amount of attempts you need to complete each stage especially when trying to pickup the token/relic as well.
  10. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback!
    Much of this seems like a good idea.

    One important thing though, are you saying ads are popping up while you are playing, and not just after you loose the game? That is not the intention, and I haven't seen this happen before.
  11. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Yep... 3 times i tested endless mode, 3 times the ads popped up within the first 5 seconds of the game. Only in endless modes. Is it possible it could be lag and the ad loaded late when it should have loaded before the run start, right after the previous run ended?
  12. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    #52 willy.c, Aug 29, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2015
    That's really weird. The ads should cache at the start of the frame, then a seconds timer should count to 60 seconds. If you lose and the counter is higher than 60 the ad should trigger.

    What device and iOS are you on?
    Is this a consistent thing? If you go back now and test, will an interstitial just pop up within the first 5 seconds every time?
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Yup... did a full boot on the iPad Air on 8.4.1, and still the same. 3 Endless Mode runs, 3 ads popping up during the first 2 seconds of each run.

    Ads work fine in between levels in Stage Mode.

    I'll get the ad remover+chapter 2 unlock when you've added a restart button.

    I really hate missing a chance at getting a Relic with no spikes nearby that i have to go back around to try and drop myself into the lava. It's really annoying.

    Im sure i wont be the only person in this boat.

    From what i've played though, this game is a really good meatboy-ish platformer.
  14. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    I think I may have found and solved the ad bug, but I can't trigger it consistently like you on my device.
    Can I invite you to a testflight beta with this new build? PM me your email if you'd like to help me out, and I'll invite you once the beta has been approved.

    I've also added a restart button in this new version.
  15. freakernet

    freakernet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    #55 freakernet, Aug 29, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2015
    Would love to beta test

    Raider Rush is fast paced platforming game with super simple touch controls; Jumping and direction is controlled by taping the left or right side of the screen!

    Whats the diffrent bitween touching the right side or left side?
    is it make diffrent actions ?

    Is it a free or paid app ?
  16. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    If you tap the left side, the player changes movement direction to 'left' and will do a small jump. If you keep holding the left side, the player will do a high jump. Opposite for the right side.

    And the app is free with additional levels as in-app purchase.

    I think there still are some codes left here:

    Do you have an iPad Air? Would like to know if you are seeing ads at the start of a level in the endless runner mode, and not just upon losing.
  17. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Shit, I don't remember which code I redeemed earlier today, but I can confirm that literally every time I've tried endless, an ad has popped up in the first 3 seconds.
  18. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    Aww Crap! What device and iOS are you on?
    I think I may have solved it, can I invite you to a new build on testflight for you to confirm?
    Just PM me your email and I'll send an invite once it's approved.
  19. freakernet

    freakernet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    I used this one PKTNYJHAYR3E

    I have to say cool graphics, cool concept, but the controls were to harsh for me ?
    maybe it's only me, maybe other also didnt like the controls
    i think you might check it out
  20. willy.c

    willy.c Well-Known Member

    Are they so hard you have to put the game down in frustration? Would you rather have a virtual gamepad?
    Once you've finished the first section of chapter 1 the controls should stick and work well (hopefully), the design is attempting to ease you into it. But if people put the game down before that in frustration, then this experimental controller scheme is maybe not such a good idea after all :/

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