Ready, Set, GoPro!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Cassidy_Startapp, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Cassidy_Startapp

    Cassidy_Startapp New Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Hey everyone,

    Picking up on Apple’s iOS 8 celebration, StartApp is running a mind blowing campaign!

    What it is:

    Throughout the month of September, developers who integrate our new, iOS 8 compatible SDK will have the opportunity to receive the top GoPro camera on the market!

    Our SDK, now supporting Apple's Swift, features unique ad units and displays exceptional eCPM performance rates.

    Interested? Use the following link to sign up and get approved by us:

    In order to receive the GoPro camera, you must reach 100,000 interstitial impressions by October 10th.

    If you have any questions, PM me or email [email protected]!

    Cassidy Smith

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