Hello, TA gamers! I'd like to show you my upcoming game, "Replica". Replica is an interactive novel game played through a cellphone and social media. You are given a cellphone of an unknown owner. You must look for evidence of terrorism by hacking into the cellphone owner's account, under governmental coercion. Then inspecting the cellphone usage history and social media activity records. Here's the trailer video. Originally released on Steam, Replica has been a hit with critics since its release in July 2016. The game received a lot of Awards including the Impact Award from IndieCade. Replica is now available on iOS and Android platforms. iOS : https://itunes.apple.com/app/replica-little-temporary-safety/id1172179917?l=ko&ls=1&mt=8 Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zerorockent.replica