RFP Request for Proposal - GEMS & Loading Screen

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by muffie, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. muffie

    muffie Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2010
    #1 muffie, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2011
    Gentlemen, I have been a victim of a bad designer who sent me ripped graphics for my game. I quickly need to select a good artist for a simple and quick job.

    1) Scope

    • Create 9 (Nine) 32x32 colored blocks (jewels format)
    • 7 Different colors + Joker (multicolor) + Special (maybe a stone?) - Current colors are: Pink, Blue, Orange, Green, White, Red and Yellow
    • Jewels must look good on the background below (current version of the game)

    Additionally the hired professional must create a picture of Thor to be used on the loading screen. The picture must use a similar style of the current one (below):

    Picture must fit the current background (I'll provide the background) and must be provided in two resolutions: 320x480 and Retina: 640x960
    Picture can use other nordic and greek mythology characters. Artist would need to read the description of the game.

    Part of this picture will also be used for the game icon. So, the picture must be created having this feature in mind. Icon can be seen on the application link below:


    2) Timeframe
    I'm willing to choose an artist by the beginning of next week: Monday EOD (End of day). I'm accepting proposals during the weekend and on monday.
    Receiving some sample gfx along with proposals is a plus.

    3) Payment
    50% at agreement
    50% at the delivery (after approving the sketches)

    4) Delivery
    All gfx in .PNGs and ps if used.

    5) Other terms
    Artist is 100% free to publish the artwork on his/her portfolio

    Please send proposals to:
    [email protected]

    Best Regards,
  2. muffie

    muffie Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2010
    RFP Closed.
    Winner is: D.T. from Sweden.

    Thanks to all the participants.
  3. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany
    at least you chose someone who should know their nordic mythology :)

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