Universal Rolling Jump - Upcoming Game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Roket Studios, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Roket Studios

    Roket Studios Member

    May 12, 2015
    #1 Roket Studios, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015

    Hello everyone.

    I'm really happy to announce that soon will be available an amazing platform game.

    It's gonna be amazing, all the game art it is drawn on a simple paper, then with a camera it's took pictures and were added to the game.

    Some features:

    - More than 45 levels.
    - Art HD - Handmade in a single paper.
    - You can choose different colors for the character.
    - Much entertainment :)

    I am waiting to be accepted by Apple and soon I will upload a video of the game.

    More Info: http://roketstudios.com/app/rolling-jump/
  2. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    Looks fun and challenging.
    Looking forward to it"s release!

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