Universal [Sky Dancer] Fantasy Runner & Skydiving! Need Beta Testers! (by Pine Entertainment)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by antony.thai, Nov 7, 2016.

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  1. Gluskap

    Gluskap Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2015
    Hope you got my e-mail. There are couple of things I wanna mention.

    - You can still hear the sound effect of sandfall (?) even if you muted music/sounds. This happens mostly while you are passing the first one.
    - Game lowers background volume coming from other apps. I believe there is an option for that in Unity. Could you disable that please?
    - Sometimes no matter how well you jump you are dying because there is a wall at the side (you have to land from there because height is mot enough to skip it) of the new platform.
  2. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    Been noticing since last update a slight frame stutter before some jumps that cause jump fails. Seems mostly early in run, havn't noticed any well into the run. Also the perfect landings seem a little random where I'll land slightly to the side of middle and receive a perfect landing bonus and other times hit the platform in the middle and not receive it. Really like how the jump and landing difficulty ramps up progressively as you get deeper in the run. When I get to over 30,000(7.0 multiplier) the jumps really require precision and quick reaction. What I like is if you miss a platform it's your fault not the controls.
    I'm wandering a couple things. 1) will there be a multiplier limit you can reach? 2). What kind of content updates do you envision? New locations perhaps?
  3. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Hey kickypants (the best player so far!),

    I've noticed about the issue with objective about "perfect landing" too, in fact, player need to land at the middle of the that platform to achieve this trick, this will be fixed in the next version of beta.

    Same as you, I'm feeling freaking awesome in later game, the main goal of me right now is too bring that feelings to more mates since there're not much player could be reaching that far in Sky Dancer right now. Let's help me to check the next beta release again on the control, there will be a big changing about it.

    Regarding the no. of levels of challenge, it's 30 levels now, it will be 50 in the next beta release, we will keep updating the game and adding more of it, if you have some ideas to add, please lets me know about that too.

    Right now, I'm focusing on adding more characters and how to unlock them. If a bit exciting with the new way to unlock character by collecting relics, since sometime, player need to push the risk further to collect those relics to unlock a new character will will help to improve their playing skill too.

    Also, adding more environment is definitely a must too, maybe, allowing player to explore others beautiful planets... :p

    Thank you a lot for your feedbacks!
  4. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Thanks Gluskap, (Y)

    I'm getting those feedbacks fixed.

    Regarding the last issue, are you mentioning the same case in the gameplay video that I aslo died with too. (it's happening in the last jump in the video).
  5. FFarabi

    FFarabi Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
    The Commonwealth

    Great game. 10/10 on graphics and animations.

    My only suggestion is that it was not clear at first that you need to simply hold down left or right side to move left or right. I thought it was swipe to move, maybe you guys can make the initial instructions a bit clearer.

    Amazing and fun game otherwise.
  6. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    What is the score you get so far? I'm a bit eager to see how ok the control is in this version for the next beta release.

    Sky Dancer is still yet done with the tutorial, I'm trying to have a good tutorial that can teaching players to get the fun of the game just before they want to give up since the control is too challenging.. :p

    Thanks for your feedbacks! ;)
  7. Gluskap

    Gluskap Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2015
    Nope. IRRC there was a wall on the side (not in front of the platform like that one) you suppose to enter to the new platform. And that platform was far left from me. I'm gonna try to get a screenshot for you if that happens again.
  8. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    Never experienced any wall in all the runs I've made and that's a lot of runs. I really don't think the controls could get much better. They seem very fine tuned between control and challenge. Definitely able to be mastered. I find taps to work great. I'm only at a 7 multiplier because of the challenge bug but have managed a high score of 48,000(although because of the bug it erases my high scores now). The movement really feels smooth and organic once you master the touch. Unlike other runners that I can manage high scores while I talk to my wife or watch a show this game does require a lot of focus and concentration. I find that when I have surrounding noises that my scores suffer but when I play in the quiet and immerse myself in the games sound effects and music my scores get substantially better. I feel this was definitely by design. Put your heAdphones on or turn off the television. Turn off the lights. Concentrate. One you feel the rythmn of the movement you will be making pinpoint landings and your score will increase. This is my game of the year. Can't wait for this challenge completion bug to be squashed. I want that 30 or 50 multiplier. 100,000. 200,000. Here we come.
  9. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    Regarding that level 7 challenge bug. It really seems it's the land 6 perfect landing challenge. When I complete it it freezes my game every time
  10. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Question: are relics supposed to count towards a permanent count, or just run to run? I noticed every new run the relic counter resets but was curious if it's supposed to remain static. Other than that, I just noticed on a run that if you clip the very edge of a platform, there seems to be just a tad bit of an overlay on the graphics compared to the actual landing area (as in, hitting the very edge of the platform causes the player to go through the right edge of the landing zone as if "clipping" through the graphics and not registering the landing). For this 2nd piece, I only had this happen on the right side, I will try to duplicate this on the left side if possible.
    And as far as progression is concerned, any thought on a currency doubler to speed progression a bit?
    Otherwise, this is an awesome game so far, and I'm glad to be able to run it through it's paces.
  11. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    Relics keep adding up every run. I've noticed the clipping bug but it's usually if I come up short on a landing the character will remain stuck on the edge for a second before falling.
  12. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    this is going to be the best runner ever.
    i know super mario run will be the absolute best but better than mario run.
    this game has it all.
    collecting , endless runner that i can't get enough of.
    I've never played any other game like this one
  13. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    #93 kickypants, Dec 12, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
    44,500 today. 7 multiplier(stuck here). High score not saving. So am I experiencing this bug because I reached level 30? But anyway. About the relics. Honestly I found no challenge as I've collected all characters and never had to even go for any risky relics as they were very plentiful and easily run into during normal play. Can I make a suggestion that each character has his or her own specific relic to collect(perhaps represented by their picture or some character specific image). Most importantly don't put any relics where they are easily reached during normal dives. Challenge the player to really take a risk to get them. Not only that but require the player to make a perfect landing after acquiring the relic or risk losing it. I would say then the task of opening a new character would even be more rewarding. The character do all feel the same. I wander if there is a way to give them different characteristics. Jump farther or fall faster or slower. Maybe not. Just thinking. I really don't mind that they all play the same. I really really would love to see more beautiful environments. You already have one gorgeous one. .dragonslayer.
  14. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    I also wanted to mention stats. I'd really like to know how far I traveled during a run. Maybe how many perfect landing I had how many jumps how many coins collected. Also would like to see score and distance traveled on the leaderboards. Thanks.
  15. Gluskap

    Gluskap Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2015
    k. :) :) :)
  16. kickypants

    kickypants Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2016
    Ell Tee do you have a facebook page?
  17. NinjaFish

    NinjaFish Member

    Oct 5, 2016
  18. iTester

    iTester Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
    ios city
    Add me using iPad mini 4 . I have pm you TestFlight Id
  19. thomasbo_Huusmann

    thomasbo_Huusmann Active Member

    Really interesting

    You guys are on to something really interesting, that is different is a great way. Keep at it and if you can get all the other elements from the FAARRR model or the Pirate Metric for success, you have a real winner here :D
  20. Gurvy

    Gurvy New Member

    Dec 5, 2016
    Character Animator
    Look really cool and well designed !

    Really puzzled by this one.

    Here's my mail/id if you need :

    [email protected]

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